Chapter 20

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"I am Xiao Zhan, the head teacher of Yusen. You didn't come to pick him up. He has a cold again, so I sent him back."

" Yu Sen caught a cold?"

Seeing Xiao Zhan nodding, Ren Yusen's brother said, "I'll go and see him first."

Xiao Zhan looked at his back and only felt that he cared about his brother very much.

After the last dish that had been cooked was brought out of the pot, Xiao Zhan walked lightly to Ren Yusen's bedroom.

Ren Yusen was already awake at this time, leaning in his brother's arms, his brother stretched out his hand to cover his brother's forehead, don't know if it was because the surroundings were too quiet, Xiao Zhan just felt that they gave people a feeling of being dependent on each other.


Probably because his brother came back and felt safe, Ren Yusen's spirit looked much better.

Xiao Zhan walked over with a smile, feeling that his body temperature had returned to normal, so he squatted down beside the bed and said, "The teacher cooked some dishes for you in the kitchen, will you eat a little??"

Ren Yusen obviously had no appetite. After hearing what Xiao Zhan said, he quickly pouted to express his unhappiness.

"I made West Lake vinegar fish for you, fried pork ribs, and fried spinach. It will be delicious with the porridge you just boiled."


"Of course it's true, and after you finish eating, your cold will be cured."

Seeing that he finally showed a heartbeat expression, Xiao Zhan got up and said to his brother, "I'll go first."

After thinking about it, he said again, "I just used your kitchen..."

"No, it's us who caused you trouble."

After comforting Ren Yusen in a low voice, his brother sent Xiao Zhan out.

"The servant and driver at home are a couple. Today their child is sick and they have already asked for leave with me. Originally I wanted to pick up Yusen, but work was delayed, so..."

Knowing that he wanted to apologize, Xiao Zhan turned around and said, "You haven't told me your name yet."

"Ren Yuqiao."

"Thankyou for taking of my brother"

Ren Yuqiao felt a little ill-spoken, Xiao Zhan smiled and said, "I am his teacher, and this is my duty."

When he got home, Wang Yibo hadn't come back. Xiao Zhan was a little tired. After cooking a bowl of noodles, he simply slumped on the sofa and watched TV.

Their school is constantly taking exams, both for students and themselves.

As busy as Xiao Zhan, there is also Wang Yibo. From his phone calls and the documents in his study, Xiao Zhan vaguely knew that his company recently intends to acquire a natural gas supplier in a small European country.

This kind of thing was very far away from him before, and he was not interested, so apart from the initial shock, he couldn't arouse other feelings.
He only knew that Wang Yibo was very busy and would be busy for two to three months.

When Wang Yibo got home, Xiao Zhan was already drowsy.

Seeing him lying on the sofa, Wang Yibo first kissed his forehead lightly, and then asked him, "Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?"

At this time, Xiao Zhan had no energy even to reply, so Wang Yibo took him upstairs on his own initiative
After a long time of contact, Wang Yibo began to expose his little-known side.

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