3 - Hot Air Balloon Ride!

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As we fly off in our hot air balloon, we start on a small little conquest to... we honestly don't know where we're going, we find ourselves on a peaceful little adventure. At least... hopefully peaceful.

"Alright. In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing!"

Branch takes a book over to a table, opening it up and cracking his knuckles in his stupid little pilot's cap when suddenly Poppy takes the book from him.

"Uh... Branch, we don't need a giant comprehensive manual."

Poppy soon just threw the manual overboard, as if it was nothing. I just stare at the both of them. What a bunch of dopey shitheads they are...

"How hard can it be?"

Poppy goes over to the control panel. I of course, ain't stopping her. If we die, we die, and if something happens and none of us die... I honestly don't care about that either.

"Let's try one of these-"

She suddenly presses a button, and the whole hot air balloon jerks forward a few times before sending us on an extraordinary trip around what feels like the whole entire globe and feeling like I'm going threw a whole 'nother dimension...
Holy shit I do not feel good after that...

(still don't know her name-):


After find out that Biggie of course somehow got into our problems, and failed attempts at explaining basically anything to him as well as a close call on a death already, soon Poppy finds the "man-stuff" Branch tried to hide from me before but didn't fall for anything... of course. He's a terrible liar.


"Y-Yes, P-Popp-ifer..."

"What is this?"

Poppy slowly came closer to the container that had a gift-like appearance, as Branch tried to hide the fact that it was weapons underneath.

"Oh, it's nothing! It's nothing! T-That- That- That- That's just my man stuff!"

"I love man stuff!"

Hm, but she also likes women stuff... which only a select few know that.

She soon opens up the container and sees the spears, rocks, and all the other stuff inside that Branch seemed to call his "man stuff" whenever asked about it.

"Weapons? Ugh, for shame..."

"Well, I-I-I-"

(y/n), at the same time he speaks:
"Ooo, busted..."

"Violence... never solves an problem, Branch!"

She'd throw one of the spears casually at Mr. Dinkles which makes it right in his mouth and he spits it out right at me. I'd stop it before it was to hit me in the eye and casually throw it over to Branch.

"I'm not saying we have to use them! I'm just saying... it's best if we are prepared incase we need them-"

"We WON'T need them-"

And... this is where I stop listening and look over at Biggie. I noticed he was staring over at something. I raised an eyebrow and turned around to see thick clouds and tall mountains that looked like they used to have homes carved into them but they were now destroyed.

As we got closer, I couldn't help but notice the words "ROCK!" carved into many of the mountains. Rock Trolls must've been here... this wasn't any normal party Barb was throwing.

This was war.

Biggie soon points out the damage to Branch and Poppy.

"Uh... you might want to take a look at this..."

As the balloon entered the area, it slowly floated down towards the ground. This... this is bad. We shouldn't be here. Although it looks like it's been some time since anyone has been here, who knows if anyone is still around and could easily take us out.

"This is gonna take a lot of hugs..."

No shit Sherlock. Probably hugs won't even do anything about this mess. War isn't solved with hugs.

As we landed and exited the balloon, Branch walked around and grabbed a music sheet that looked burned and ripped up a bit.

"Woah... something knarly happened here."

"Yeah! It's the Rock Trolls probably. They're staring a WAR. This isn't a party, none of it is."

"W-Well... we don't know that yet! It could be something else. Look around! Anything or anyone... c-could've done this..."

Poppy looked around, seeming a bit scared. She should be. Us supposed Pop Trolls are probably an easy target. Surprised we haven't been attacked yet.


A soft voice spoke, and I jumped, quickly getting in a defensive position as Branch grabbed what looked like a bow... except it was built almost as if it wasn't meant for the string to be pulled at all, not even a spot for the arrow to be put and then fired.

"Who said that?"

While everyone was on high alert, I suddenly heard more of that music... the ruffling of swift feet making its way through a dusty trail. The growling of some sort of... creature. And then... CUPCAKES! Cupcakes is somewhere close by, I can feel AND hear it! It's like I have- uh... echolocation or something!

While everyone was distracted, I swiftly made my way through the mountain area and attempted to hide myself.

I was going to make an attempt to find out what that is, one way or another...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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