Chapter 17

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"We won La Liga bitches!" Toni yelled, popping the champagne in the locker room, his blonde hair soaked.

Everyone cheered, and started to sing the Como no te voy a querer chant. Abril was outside because she wasn't allowed, yet, at least not until the players were fully dressed. Besides she was getting nauseas from the smell of alcohol and sweat. Luckily, during the game, no one got hurt, although, it was only against Granada. Real Madrid knew two weeks ago that the Liga was theirs since Barcelona lost to Atletico and Atletico then lost to Valencia. But now that this was their last league game, it felt official.

Inside the locker room, Marcelo was jumping and yelling next to Cristiano who was doing the same, "I am so getting lucky tonight!" Marcelo yelled and everyone cheered back as if saying, 'me too.'

The locker room was a mess. The players were too. Of course, they still weren't drunk because they had just finished the game like half an hour ago.

Flashback to 30 minutes ago

As the final whistle rang, the Bernabeú erupted into cheers. All the players and staff embraced each other, then confetti was up in their faces.

Isco came up to Abril with a baby Isco in his arms, "We won!" He yelled before hugging her tight. "All we have to do is win the Champions and the you have to take Cristiano to meet your family!"

Victoria, Isco's girlfriend, wrapped her arms around Abril, suddenly and kissed her cheek in greeting, "Congratulations on the baby," She whispered in Abril's ear.

Abril mouthed a thank you in her direction before being blinded by a pair of hands covering her eyes, "Guess who?" The person asked in a British accent.

"Um, Gareth...?"

The person behind her sighed, "No."

"There's no one else on the team with a British accent." She said.

"How about now?" He asked in a Colombian accent.

"James." She answered, turning around to face him.

Salomé was holding on tight to his leg, "Hi, Salo!" Abril hugged the adorable toddler.

"Hi, Abril!" She beamed, sending her a big grin.

"We just have to win the Champions." James taunted.

"Why are you guys so sure that you'll win?" Abril teased.

"C'mon it's just Bayern." Isco said like Bayern Munich were the easiest team in the world.

Abril crossed her arms, "Exactly. It's Bayern Munich: kings of Germany."

"And we're Real Madrid: Kings of the world." James said.

"Who called for the king of Germany?" Toni ask, walking towards the group with his son and wife.

Abril rolled her eyes, "Nobody did, Toni." She greeted him and his family. "Anyway, if you came to tell me that all we need to do now is win the Champions then you're too late. Your friends beat you to it."

"God damn." Toni snapped his fingers.

"Okay, I gotta go congratulate the other players, " Abril said slowly backing away.

"You mean Cristiano, right?" Toni asked, earning a slap from Jessica.

She scanned the sea of people and saw Iker and Sergio lifting the La Liga trophy and everyone starting to march around the field. As she was walking, she saw Varane and Benzema taking a weird selfie together, Modric was on Bale's back, and Marcelo, Fabio, and Pepe had their kids on their shoulders singing some Portuguese songs together. Cristiano was nowhere to be seen. Where could he have gone to?

Someone tugged at Abril's training pants, and she looked down to see Junior, "Hey, bud!" She yelled over the cheering and picked him up. "Where's your dad?"

"He's signing some shirts for the fans." He told her.

"And he left you here alone?" She asked, surprised at Cristiano's decision.

"No. I was supposed to be there with him, but I got bored and came back." He said quickly.

"Junior!?" Abril heard someone yell. That someone being Cristiano.

"I'm here, papai," Junior screamed back.

All of a sudden a pale faced Cristiano Ronaldo was next to Abril, "Junior, you cannot run off like that! I was worried sick!"

"I'm sorry." Junior mumbled hiding his face in Abril's neck.

"Well, you almost gave me a heart attack! I was so nervous when I couldn't find you." He said, taking Junior from Abril's arms, kissing him all over once he got him.

"Sorry." Junior mumbled again.

"Just never do it again."

Cristiano smiled at Abril and bent down to kiss her cheek, "Hey." She said.

"Hey, we won."

"Yes!" Abril cheered, pumping her fists in the air, joined by Junior doing the same thing.

Cristiano laughed at Junior and kissed him before saying something that almost made her heart explode in joy, "I love you so much, Cristiano."

That's when she knew that her baby was going to have a good father.

Present time

"Let's go clubbing tonight!" Karim yelled, and the others cheered in agreement.

Once Cristiano took a shower and got dressed, he met Abril out in the hallway, "Hi." He looked around to see if there was anyone before kissing her.

"Hey." She mumbled breathlessly.

"So I don't know if your up for it, but Karim invited us to go clubbing tonight. I mean if you want we can stay at home, but-"

"Let's go." Abril interrupted.

"Wait, what?" He stammered.

"Yeah, let's go. I haven't been out since forever and I know you don't drink so you can protect me or whatever. Besides, I wanna dance!" She said.

"Okay, then. I'll tell my mom to take care of Junior tonight then." Cris said. "I can't wait until you dance tonight, baby." He whispered in her ear.

Some fun is in store for them.

The Intern // Cristiano RonaldoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin