Chapter 5: Unexpected Allies

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As the night slowly transitioned into dawn, a soft glow began to illuminate the horizon, casting gentle hues of pink and gold across the sky. Despite the approaching light, Elara found herself still wide awake, her mind buzzing with thoughts and emotions.

She remained seated by the riverbank, the warmth of the rock beneath her offering some measure of comfort against the cool morning air. The rhythmic sound of flowing water filled the silence, its soothing melody a balm to her restless mind.

As the first light of dawn painted the landscape in soft pastels, Elara couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty of the world awakening around her. The river shimmered in the early morning light, its surface rippling with the gentle breeze, while birdsong filled the air, a symphony of life greeting the new day.

As Lysander decided to join and settled beside Elara, a flicker of gratitude illuminated his eyes, momentarily melting the steely resolve that usually cloaked his demeanor. He inclined his head in a silent gesture of appreciation, silently acknowledging the debt he owed her for her daring rescue.

"Thank you," he murmured, his voice carrying a rare note of sincerity. "For everything."

Elara, her curiosity burning bright despite the darkness that surrounded them, wasted no time in delving into the heart of the matter. With a determined gaze, she broached the subject that had been weighing heavily on her mind.

"Lysander," she began, her voice a mixture of urgency and apprehension, "I need to know. What's all this about Lena, the queen, and... and the prince?"

For a moment, Lysander's gaze turned distant, as if lost in memories he wished to forget. He hesitated, choosing his words with care before finally responding.

"It's... complicated," he confessed, his tone tinged with reluctance. "I can't tell you everything, not yet."

Undeterred, Elara leaned in closer, her eyes imploring him for answers. "But why? What does the queen want with Lena?" she pressed, her voice betraying her growing concern.

With a heavy sigh, Lysander revealed a fragment of the truth, his words weighed down by the burden of his knowledge. "Power. It's always about power," he explained, his voice heavy with resignation. "Besides, the queen... she's pregnant now. The maids say it's a boy. This... this is her chance to eliminate any threats to her rule."

Elara's shock was palpable, her eyes widening in disbelief. "But... to kill a child? And frame you for it? That's... unimaginable," she exclaimed, struggling to comprehend the depths of the queen's depravity.

Nodding grimly, Lysander affirmed her suspicions. "It's the world we live in. A world of deceit and betrayal," he remarked, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But we can't let her win. Not this time."

As they delved deeper into the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface, Elara couldn't help but voice the suspicions that had been gnawing at her mind. With a furrowed brow, she turned to Lysander, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern.

"Lysander," she began tentatively, "I can't help but wonder... are you the 'prince' the queen is targeting?" Lysander's expression remained unreadable, his gaze fixed on the reflective water before them as he contemplated her questions. "If that's true, that'll explain why have I never encountered the prince since I entered the castle," Elara murmured.

Instead of offering a direct answer, Lysander turned the tables on Elara, his tone measured and calculated. "Why are you so fixated on the prince?" he countered, his voice tinged with a hint of suspicion. "What is it about him that captures your attention?"

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