Meet The 2024 Formula 1 Drivers

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Walking into the studio for the new video for F1 socials, Victoria saw her teammate Max Verstappen.

"Oi, oi maxie" she greets
"Hey, hey look who it is" Max responds jokingly.

Victoria walks over to her teammate and the pair hug.

"Have you finished in there?" Victoria questioned. Max nods his head "yeah just got out. I hope you've been practicing your poses" Max teases.

"Do i look like George to you?" Victoria laughs back.

The two teammates continue laughing and joking before one of the producers called Victoria into the room.

The pair say goodbye to each other and Victoria enters the room.

[Tumb nail]

"I'm Princess Victoria and I driver for Oracle Red Bull Racing and this is my third season in F1"

Welcome back. Are you happy?

"Yeah I'm happy"

Ok let's begin. What's the most satisfying thing about being a formula 1 driver?

"Oooh, for me I think it would have to be that moment when you're on the track and it's almost like nothing else matters. It's just you and the car"

What was the moment you realized you could make it to F1?

"At the time I was just a test driver for red bull and I didn't know if I was going to make it here or not. Then checo had to miss the 2021 Azerbaijan grand prix and I was asked to drive that weekend. It made me realize that I was good enough to get here"

Looking back where did your drive and competitiveness come from?

"I would like to say my great Nan. She was probably the most competitive person I've ever known"

How hard is it to succeed in F1?

"Really, really hard. I'm lucky enough to be in the best can on the grid at the moment. But even thinking back to my first win, Baku 2021, if it was for Max dnfing and Lewis locking up I don't think I would have won that day"

If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

"Don't let people tell you that you can't do it"

How would you describe your job to a 5-year-old?

"So I actually have a 5-year-okd brother and what I tell him is that I drive really fast in funny looking circles"

Do you have a nickname?

"There's normal ones like Vic and Vicki. But then most of the guys on the grid call me Princess because they know it annoys me"

Ok, so imagine you have a very rare day off from formula 1 what does your ideal day look like?

"People are probably thinking it would be this crazy 'princess diaries' type day, but really it would just be me in bed all day"

What scares you?

"Being buried alive and Helen Keller. I refuse to believe she was real"

What is your most used emoji?

"The clown emoji. I always send that to my boyfriend"

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