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This is all a desperate work in progress (WIP) that hopefully will have three-ish chapters by next month! Bare with me readers (if there are any).


I wander the brightly glowing streets, its flashing lights cutting into the deepest corners of my earthy world. The brightest ones always make me wonder what they say, I can only imagine it. I turn down a corner titled with a uniform script, and one I still can't read.

The lonely streets, where the old district lays silently is the place I belong to. The lights not lit by any electric flame, only the real stuff. I look at a sign, it's barely luminated sign cutting through the rest, " Dancing Fabrics, home sweet home." I sigh and stretch my hands before entering. The shop itself is warm in my eyes, and always will be. Though to a gold-plated arse from anywhere else, the shop would probably look like a hovel.

I quickly snatch a pile of letters from the mailbox, and set it on the table. Then mom began to stitch up a dress, "Is this one another gift for some wacko's girlfriend, or an actual customer?' I began to lock the shop's door and turn off the sign. "Surprisingly it's an actual customer," replied Mom, "She has a wedding to attend next week, it's for her daughter" I walked over to her, "You've been working on it all night, huh?" "Yes I have, the date is tomorrow for its finishing touches." Mom shut off the machine and made her way to the table, I followed her and set the pile of mail onto the table.

A super familiar sound of small feet broke the incredibly short silence in the room. "Little Mare!" Mom teased, "It's far past your bedtime, isn't it?" Mare,my younger sister, was only in grade school and refused to understand why sleep was important. She was dressed in hand-me-down pajamas, with her deep red hair tied in a messy braid.."I wanted to say goodnight to Atlas!" Her smile was practically beaming. "Well-" I crack my lower back, a daily habit, "-Since you're up now, maybe you can help me sort some of Moms fabric, aye?"

Even if my little sisters a pain in my back, a bit of help never hurt a thing. She carefully sorted the fabrics and folded them into their proper cubbies, like mom showed her. I wandered over to the pile of mail I left, separating the pieces of paper into different piles depending on color. I notice one stand out, its paper not actual paper but old parchment. It had a wax seal like it was made centuries ago, "Mom!" I call out, "Found something new!" Mom walked over still folding the blue fabric in her arms, "Well hand it over then." Her accent jumped out, the 'h' no longer pronounced, and the 'r' heavy. That never means anything good.

Mom quickly read it over, translating every word in her brain. "Well?" I spoke slowly, as if she was an enraged animal. "Well, it's not great," she pinched her nose bridge, "Well it won't get any worse if you read it to me." I sit down at the table, Mom following with her face scrunched up in mild disgust. The moment she regained her posture, she began to read the paper aloud;

"Dear Atlas Jacque Marek,

It is I, Zephastios, your father. This must come as a surprise with the merchants fair in Aberboruogh coming up so soon but, I wish for you to accompany me during the merchants fair. You will be introduced to your step and half-siblings, and stepmother. I believe you'll adore them greatly. I will make this letter short for I am a busy man. I hope you will take this train pass and travel up to Aberboruogh to meet me on the first day of the Merchants Fair.

Long live the Aesir,


I stared at the letter practically burning holes into it then asking, "Is this a joke? He really wants me to hop on a train, and try to find him during the merchant fest while I have to set up?!' I throw my hands up in the air, then crossed them over my chest. "Yes Atlas, it's rotten timing.' Mom sighed, "You must go, you can ask your friends..' she paused, thinking, " Ethel and Evelyn?-"


"-To help you set up. I'll prepare your bags tonight, you'll leave tomorrow morning." I snatch the letter out of moms hands and rip it to bits.

"This is absolute Bullshit!"

"Language, Atlas!"

"So, we're not going to the Edge tomorrow with 'Thems?" Mare looked up at me, with her sad doe eyes. "Sadly not Mare, I'll be back in a week. I promise." I lean down and nuzzle my face in her mess of curls, "You know I always keep my promises.'

Sadly, not this time.

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