TWO: Naked in Someone else's bed

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"under the influence"
(Under The Influence by Chris Brown)

Jungkook stood at the Bar, with Taehyung and Jimin, as they laughed and spoke about all the girls Jungkook had gone on a date with.

"Jeez man, i feel bad for you" Jimin said, as Jungkook laughed, gulping another whiskey. "Slow down Jeon" Taehyung said. As Jungkook chuckled. "I've worked my ass off. For that damn company, and he's basing it on a marriage like-" Jungkook drank again.

"Like what the fuck?" He said. "your drunk Jungkook." Taehyung said coming to a conclusion. As Jungkook smiled. "I'm fine."

Taehyungs phone rang, causing him to step out for a moment and even Jimin went to get Jungkook something to eat, as loud laughter hit Jungkooks ears.

He looked towards the laughter, as his eyes laid on her  he gulped, his breath stuck and his eyes stuck as well. She was beautiful, way too beautiful, he felt his stomach churn, eachtime she giggled and he smiled, losing himself in her.

He quickly looked away, watching her walk upto the bar and standing beside him, he inhaled her vanilla scent before turning to look at her. It was either him being super drunk or just his heart. But Gosh he wanted her to himself.

If someone gave him a woman like this. He would marry her instantly. She looked at him, passing a smile. Her heart racing now. She had never seen someone this handsome, let alone breathed the same air as him- if that makes sense.

It was either her hormones or just the super shots of tequila. But gosh she couldn't stop imagining his hands zipping her dress down.

They both stared at eachother, having mutual thoughts before Jungkook smiled. "I. I am. Um I'm Jeon Jungkook" he said, as she smiled, shaking his hand. "Mmm Kim Y/n, your supppperrrr drunk arent you?" She asked, giggling

As he nodded. "Your suppppperrrrr drunk tooo~ " he said, booping her nose, as she laughed, before they stared at eachother for a solid minute.

And that's when it all started.

(10:46 am)

Groaning, Jungkook felt like his head had been hit with a hammer, grabbing it, he sat up, rubbing his eyes. As he looked at himself, naked. Why the hell was he naked. Wait a second. This isn't even his room. What the hell.

Oh my.  looking beside him he saw her. Sleepy innocently, all stuffed under the blanket, slight purple marks on her neck. As he chuckled. She was indeed beautiful.

But what the hell was he thinking. He just slept with someone- he just- ugh! What the hell, getting up he made his way to the bathroom, he had been to this hotel before for a meeting. Turning the shower on. He needed to clear his thoughts so he could face her properly.

But how the hell did this happen?

-(Flashback: Slight Mature Content)
Pinning her to his car, Jungkooks lips never left hers he wasnt in control of his actions, and neither was she, infact, she was the one who initiated this. Opening the door of his car, he pushed her in, getting in himself and continuing to kiss her, ruining her lipstick, as she moaned into his lips.

Kissing her neck, he left blue and purple love bites all over her neck. As she suddenly stopped him giggling "your having alot of fun aren't you?" She said. "Take us to a nice place and maybe we can continue hm?" She said, kissing his neck as he wasted no time in bringing her. To the closest most expensive hotel there.

Waiting in line, barely clasping onto the railing, she watched as Jungkook groggily payed for the room, when she suddenly gasped, "it's a wedding ceremony!" She said, as Jungkook giggled. "Wanna get married?" She said. Holding his hand. "Then then we can have all the 'fun' we want" she giggled.

"You naughty naughty-" before he could complete his sentence she dragged him inside, what they didn't know, was it was just pretend ceremonies held for entertainment purposes. Which obviously they didn't know.

Wearing the rings, Y/n giggled kissing Jungkook all the way upto the room and after that door shut, moans and groans and screams filled the room.

It was the best sex. They both had ever had.
(End of Flashback)

Yawning, Y/n sat up, as she watched the bathroom door open revealing a man, in a just a towel tied at his waist. What. WHAT THE FU-

Immediately screaming she looked at herself, screaming louder and covering herself, as the boy struggled to keep her shut. "Stop-"


placing a hand on her mouth, his face close to hers, jungkook shut her up, as she stared into his eyes. "Stop." He said, and that's when the ring caught his eye, making his heart drop like Alice falling down the hole to wonderland.

A ring? On his- oh god.

"P-please don't tell me your married- if we slept together- it's bad enough but if your married-"

"Shut up- I'm not married i-" he grabbed her hand, and examining it, his heart was not the only one that dropped. "PLEASE DONT TELL ME WE MARRIED EACHOTHER" y/n said, standing up forgetting she was naked. As Jungkook immediately looked down, hearing y/n gasp, Jungkook chuckled.

"THIS IS GREAT JUST GREAT" he said, standing up and facing the other way, as y/n ran to the bathroom. "NEVER KNEW ALCOHOL COULD MAKE MY LIFE HELL!" he said, as y/n yelled from the bathroom "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! HOW DARE YOU SLEEP WITH ME HUH?" She said. Making Jungkook wide his eyes, standing informt of the bathroom door.


"I CAME ONTO YOU? I AM 5 FEET AWAY FROM WOMEN AWAY!!" finally after 30 minutes, y/n came out in a bathrobe, glaring at him. "I CANT BELIEVE THIS!" she said, slipping on her dress.

"Please warn me before taking off your clothes." jungkook said, "THATS WHAT I SHOULD'VE DONE LAST NIGHT!" she said, "oh please your not even a virgin are you?" He asked, making her cheeks heat up. "That's none of your business bunny man, IM GOING TO WALK OUT THAT DOOR AND THIS NEVER HAPPENED" she said, grabbing her purse and putting her hair in a bun.

But suddenly she was pulled back by Jungkook.

"Not so fast. I have a deal for you"
☁️: Disclaimer:
Jungkook and Y/n still think the marriage is real, for they don't remember anything of the night events, except the fact they got drunk and slept together. Keep that in mind.

I hope this makes sense somehow-

Until next time.
-Ava ~

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