Unexpected turn

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After a long romantic night they wake in the morning thirty minutes ago. They cuddle for sometimes and now Taehyung is not ready to let his wife go
Y/n : Let me take a shower Taehyung
Taehyung : No I'm loving my smell on you
Y/n placed a slap in his chest and freed herself from him. She wrapped the blanket around her and get down from the bed only to fall on the floor. Taehyung quickly get up and went towards her
Taehyung : Are you alright
Y/n : Taehyung I... I couldn't feel my legs
She panicked but not more then him.
He picked her up and make her laid down on the bed. Taehyung wore his pants and called the doctor immediately.
Taehyung : Y-You will be fine don't worry
He hold her hand tightly and started waiting for the doctor. After sometimes a doctor came and started examining Y/n. Taehyung was standing in the corner biting his nails.
Taehyung : Is she okay? She'll be fine right?
Y/n : I can walk again right doctor
The doctor look at their faces one by one. Their looking adult but why there asking questions like teenagers
Taehyung : What are you thinking? Tell us something please
Doctor : It's nothing serious. She's feeling like this because of rough sex
Taehyung and Y/n look at each other and their faces turn red immediately.
Taehyung : Tha-Thank you so much for coming doctor
Doctor : It's my job no need to thank me
The doctor smile at them and left.
Taehyung : I think you should rest. I'll order the breakfast in room.
They spend the whole day in room. Taehyung take care of Y/n like she's a fragile doll.
That incident leave a fear in Taehyung's heart. It's been two days but he doesn't touch his wife. He doesn't even give her kisses making Y/n frustrated.
Y/n : I think we should go back to Australia
She said with a dull face making Taehyung look at her
Taehyung : Why? Aren't you enjoying here?
Y/n : No. I feel like I'm on a trip with a stranger.
Taehyung : Stranger? Who?
Y/n : Look at yourself Taehyung. You are sleeping on the couch living your wife alone in this big bed. You didn't give me kisses or hug nor let me give you those. You didn't touch me for two days
Taehyung : I'm afraid I might lose control if I did this things
Y/n : So what? I'm your dame wife not someone else's
Taehyung : But I might hurt you again if we intimate
Y/n slap her forehead hearing him
Y/n : Seriously Taehyung you're distancing yourself for this? It's common Taehyung I won't get hurt
Taehyung : But your legs
Y/n : It's alright now. See I can even jump. We can intimate anytime you want
Taehyung : Really
Y/n nodded. Taehyung jump up from the couch and pulled Y/n into the bathroom making her gasp
Taehyung : Let's take shower together
Like this they spend their Paris trip drowning into each other. After two weeks they go back to Australia.
Taehyung become busy after coming back to Australia. He wasn't here for more than one year so lot's of work is pending. Though he do some deals online when he wasn't here but now he's here and the work increase. Sitting on the bed with dull face Y/n look at her husband who's busy with his laptop. Suddenly an idea plopped in her mind. She walk towards the closet and take out the sexiest night gown she own. Y/n smirk and slide herself into the gown. She walk back to the bedroom.
Y/n stand in front of Taehyung resting her hands on her slim waist. Taehyung look up at her feeling her presence. She give him a sweet smile and slide the strap of her dress from her shoulder. Taehyung placed the laptop beside him and jump on his wife like a hungry tiger.
Y/n was climbing the stairs carrying few books. She will read them at night. Nowadays she doesn't feel sleepy at night. Y/n become breathless just climbing few stairs. This thing is happening with her since few days. She become breathless if she doesn't a little work. Like this she notice a lot of changes in herself. Like she doesn't like the test of her favourite food. She feel dizzy all the time get annoyed easily she even doesn't like when Taehyung tried to come near her or kiss her. She scold him in this morning when he tried to kiss her. But later she felt bad for her behavior and cried while saying sorry to him.
Y/n : I'm sorry I really doesn't wanted to behave rudely with you but I got angry suddenly
Taehyung : It's okay Y/n I didn't mind at all
Y/n : No it's not okay it's your fault that you use a perfume which smell like trash *she said wiping her tears with the back of her hand*
Taehyung : What!? But you used to love it's smell
Y/n : Now I hate it. It makes me nauseous

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