9. Set Sail For Gatvia

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Hi lovelies!! So I'm in the process of moving into my new spot this week so just fyi my upload schedule between last week, this week, and next week all finna look questionable as fuck
As always though, I love y'all


"Are you looking forward to seeing your family?" I asked Caspian, watching as he loaded pig rib after pig rib onto his plate

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"Are you looking forward to seeing your family?" I asked Caspian, watching as he loaded pig rib after pig rib onto his plate. Today must've required more energy from him because I hadn't seen him gain such an appetite like this before.

It was either that, or he was doing everything in his power to keep his mouth further occupied. He had started to fidget, busying himself with his utensils as soon as I brought up our travels to Gatvia. Snips had told me he had mentioned our destination to our guest during their work day, which made me all the more intrigued to see how Caspian would react when I spoke of it.

His dead eyes finally found mine for the first time since we sat down in my private quarters. His gaze rarely ever held anyone's on this ship, but when we were alone, I noticed he was far less reserved. Tonight, however, was different.

"My family is all dead." He practically deadpanned, succeeding in something men rarely ever did. Surprise me. His voice held absolutely no emotion with what should've been some emotionally heavy words. And I suppose that should've been expected considering he seemed to rarely ever react to anything at all. But those eyes...

Even if just for a moment, I saw something in his eyes that I wasn't expecting, even from a man who's only objective in this here life was to die. It was something that made his features entirely... shift, one could say.

He no longer conveyed disinterest. Those eyes instead held an unfathomable amount of sadness. Something that didn't match his usual unamusement.

And in the most unbelievable twist of fate, and maybe for the first time since I've prodded for answers about his family, I actually believed him. I believed those words in their entirety. I may have not believed he had even a single family member who was raised in Gatvia... but those words about his family being long gone held an absolute complete level of truth about them.

I then found myself doing something I've possibly never done with anyone who wasn't my crew. I felt that rigid, cold exterior of mine soften. Not by much, but enough to warrant something dashing across Caspian's clear eyes. I saw it flicker for a second, only caught by the warm lit candles around us keeping light throughout my chambers, and the moonlight behind my seat that cast through the room's open windows. I felt the sea breeze through my long strands of drawn back hair, which made my body relax more in my seat.

He was the first to break our gaze, looking down at the plate of food he had now surely overloaded. I could see it in his eyes, the realization that he had bitten off more than he could chew.

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