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Before you dive into this story, I'd like to address a few things first.

• English isn't my first language so I'm sorry in advance if there are any grammar mistakes. You can always correct me in the comments and I'll take the feedback as long as it's done from respect! I'm taking this story as a personal challenge to improve my writing in other languages.

• This story contains mature topics!! Read at your own risk.

• I'm not a psychologist so I don't know much about sociopaths, though I'll try to portray Kai as realistic as possible from my point of view. That meaning, he's written how I personally imagine that he would be like.

• I am not my characters, don't attack me in the comments when they do something you don't like please (sadly it has happened before).

• I'll add a song related to the story at the beginning of every chapter. You don't necessarily need to listen to it, but it obviously adds to the story and the reading experience.

• The story is inspired by other TV shows, movies and other Kai fics. Therefore, some things may look familiar to you! (emphasis on inspired. This is my own story, I do not condone plagiarism.)
In all honesty, I got the idea for the book right after finishing Part I of 'Villains Of Circumstance', which is a work of art (seriously). I really recommend that Kai fanfic if you haven't read it already.

• I've got a Tiktok account, if you've discovered the story thanks to it, hi!! That makes me so happy. My user: mystickai_

All this being said, I hope you enjoy the story just as much as I enjoy writing it for you. Have a nice day wherever you are right now <3


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