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CHAPTER TEN song: bigmouth strikes again — the smiths

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song: bigmouth strikes again — the smiths

MONDAY AGAIN. She hated Mondays, more and more each week. The day marked the end of her freedom, pulling her back into the rigid structure of school, and the early morning rush always left her exhausted and grumpy. Despite her best efforts, Rachel couldn't shake the sense of dread that came with the start of a new week. Especially that one, having to see Amy for the first time after she had abandoned her at the party.

Thankfully there was Josette to keep her company. She was trying to extend the time of the three of them being together to avoid having a not-so-friendly conversation with Amy, who acted as if nothing had happened between them. But of course, she couldn't run away from the inevitable.

"He's a great kisser." Amy kept yapping as she smoked "But it was a little too much for me, I know he wanted to sleep with me and all— and he's super hot— but I just had to dip. Maybe another time, I'm not closing any doors."

Rachel wasn't even looking at her. She noticed how uncomfortable Josette was with the conversation since Amy was talking about the interaction she had had with her brother so openly.

"I'm going to the locker room" said Josette after an awkward silence "I'll see you in a while at practice, Rachel. Bye, Amy." She went down the bleachers.

Rachel waved her goodbye. They had a free period since their History teacher called off work due to being sick, and she had cheerleading practice afterwards. The blonde had already changed into her uniform and was just waiting sitting by the bleachers of their football field next to Amy.

"Thank God she left..." Amy let out a loud sigh before taking a puff from her cigarette "She's super annoying, don't you think?"

"I think she's amazing" Rachel replied, still not looking at her friend.

"She's boring" the brunette said sharply. "Her only personality trait is being Kai's sister, he's the only thing she talks about."

"No, he's not. But you only pay attention to Josette when she talks about Kai" Rachel scoffed.

Amy tilted her head, a big frown slowly appearing on her forehead as she realized Rachel wasn't going to agree with her. But still, she needed to make a point.

"No? I do listen. She was like 'Kai this, Kai that', she wouldn't shut up" Amy kept complaining.

Rachel held a laugh due to the irony of her words. "That actually sounded like you."

Amy's mouth opened while her face contorted into an angry expression at her friend's words.

"What's your fucking issue today? You got up on the wrong side of bed or what?" Amy snapped, getting up and throwing the cigarette stub somewhere between the bleachers.

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