Chapter 19: Important Things

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Massie was making pancakes when Gael came downstairs.

He was wearing clean clothes. She had gotten up early to dry, fold, and leave their clothes in front of their door.

He shuffled over quietly and sat at the counter. She greeted him and when he didn't respond, she smiled at him and let him be. Music was softly playing, low enough that the bird songs could still be heard.

She was making him a plate with pancakes and fruit when he spoke up.

"My dad kept a coffee can on his dresser. He said it was filled with important things. We weren't suppos' to touch it."

She poured some syrup into a little cup and placed the food in front of him. She took a seat on the other side of the counter and gave him her attention.

He cut up his pancake but didn't take a bite. "We didn't have a lotta time to get out of the house. I gave Jace the pillowcase and told him to pack clothes. None of them were clean. We didn't get clean clothes. Dad said we were dirty."

He took a few bites of food.

"You were very brave."

He shook his head. " I was really scared."

He looked down at his plate. "I was cryin' so hard I threw up."

"Being brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means that you act even when you're scared."

He met her eyes and twiddled with his fork. "Are you ever scared?"

She nodded very seriously. "I'm scared all the time. I was scared when you and your brother showed up."

"But you didn't run. "

"Nope. I was scared, but I stayed. And I'm glad I did."

His smile was absolutely adorable.

He stuffed a huge bite of pancake in his mouth. "I bet bird-man is never scared."

She was confused for just a second before she started giggling. "You mean Wren?"

He nodded, his cheeks bulging with food.

"He's not a bird-man." She leaned in close like she was telling him a secret. His eyes widened and he excitedly leaned towards her.

"He's a dragon."

His mouth dropped open. She handed him a napkin. He was getting food everywhere. He rambled about how cool it was that a dragon lived with her.

She hoped Wren wouldn't mind. If he wanted the boys to stay then they needed to know.

"Are you a dragon?" He looked her over curiously, in case he missed any dragon-like features.

"I'm a witch." She tried not to be offended that he wasn't as excited about that.

She could admit that dragons were pretty cool.

He had finished his food and was helping her put the rest of the pancakes in the oven to keep warm.

"When my brother was grabbing clothes, I went into my dad's room. I took some of his shirts. They were clean. And I took the coffee can off his dresser. I dumped it in the pillowcase."

He wrapped his arms around himself. He looked so small at that moment.

" I waited until Jace fell asleep. I parked behind an old barn. I looked through the coffee can. There was money and cigarettes. Some scraps of paper. That's what was important for him."

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