March 8, 1999

7 1 0

18:43 {Military Time}, 08/03/1999

File Name: Day 1 - Beginning

Testing... [fumbling with microphone] 1, 2, 3. [sighs] This is my first time, so bear with me. My... My name is Buddy Badger. Former mascot for Buddy's Funhouse Extravaganza. And I am not [crackling noise] human. I, uh, was a toy made in Playtime Co.'s Factory.

This... This isn't a joke, I swear. And if you think that... then fine. I'm only doing this so that I might warn anyone willing to listen... [chair scrapes on floor] I, umm... I've been meaning to do this for some time. Never found time to do it though. [Long pause] I have a lot to deal with, especially with Playtime Co. breathing down on my ****ing neck.[Groans] I am sorry for that. As I said, I have a lot to deal with. [sighs] Where to begin...

It's been four years since my escape from the company. On the 20th of May, I will be celebrating the anniversary of my freedom.. Not that it's worth celebrating. [shakes head] I always thought the world would be like what the scientists said. Like a shitty Disney movie. Birds singing like ****ing opera singers and flowers blooming in the beautiful light of the sun. How dumb I was to believe all that. But... [chuckles drily] It's better out here than there.

I'm... [looks to the side for a moment] currently living in some abandoned warehouse in a forest in Ohio. Not the most ideal location, but it's good when you're playing a game of hide-and-seek. [looks around] Although it's been 8 months already, I am still getting used to this place. Pretty creepy, if you ask me (I'll add some decorations and a few pieces of furniture later to brighten the place up). Surprisingly, there are some lines connected to the main power grid of the state that run around this area. It gives me power for the gizmos I got from the junkyard nearby. And... What makes my situation more bearable is that there's running water. Don't know where that's coming from, but hey, it's running water.

Turns out, this warehouse used to hold second-hand cars. Found that out when I found a door leading to a basement. Many cars littered the area. Most of them don't work, save for one. I'm trying to get it to run, but it might take a couple of months. Besides that, there's also an observatory that I'm trying to build on the warehouse roof. That's where I am going to store my maps and cartography tools. If you are wondering what these maps are for, I will answer in a way so as to not spoil it. [shifts uncomfortably in chair] These maps are for what I will do in a few months. They will navigate my fate, be it for better or for worse.

[Looks down] In a few hours, I will need to make a few repairs to myself. Specifically, to the joint on my left arm and a part of my spinal cord around my neck. [shows arm to camera] If you need to know, the ulna (a forearm bone) of my left arm has received a fracture and a vertebral column in my spinal cord has been shattered due to an unruly hunter trespassing my part of the woods. He had mistaken me for a bear, but I understand why he was mistaken. [looks over to an old buffalo fur coat hanging on a makeshift stand] [shakes head slightly] Shot me three times. The first bullet missed. The second hit the side of my neck. And the third... I blocked it with my arm. Fortunately, when he had a clear view of me, he ran for his life.

[Sound of glass breaks in the background] Ah, shit. [stands up and grabs camera] I'm ending this entry now. I hope this works out for me... 

End of Log.

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