Chapter 15

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It was Friday now and I still had 2 Hours until the party would start. Nico insisted that we need time for me to get ready. To be honest, I really don't know how getting ready could possibly take that long, but I didn't argue with him over that. 

He already sent me a dress from his parents shop, even though I tried to convince him that I could wear the dress he gave last time we went shopping, but he told me that it wasn't the right dress to wear for a party and that it was too long, which would cause people to step on it and I wouldn't be able to dance in it. I really wasn't planning to dance, I only dance for myself sometimes alone in my room where no one can see me. 

"Hey there love" Nico says when I answer his call.

"Hey Nico" I smile at him. 

"You got the dress? Please tell me it was delivered. I will fire these bloody guys if that dress didn't came." Nico says angrily.

"Nico the dress is here, calm down you don't need to fire anyone." I say to calm him down.

"Good. Thats great. You like it right? I mean how couldn't you. I chose it." He says, a little too confident, but he was right the dress is amazing.

"Nico the dress is really beautiful, but like I told you I really could have worn the dress I already have"

"You like it, fantastic. Well put it on." He says, ignoring the last part of my sentence.

I go into my bathroom and put on the dress, it really is beautiful. After a few minutes I come out of the bathroom and walk back to the phone on my desk where Nico is waiting for me.

"How do I look?" I ask him and he turns his attention to me.

"I am a bloody genius, you look amazing, love" I chuckle at him prasing himself

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"I am a bloody genius, you look amazing, love" I chuckle at him prasing himself.

"You are a genius, but don't you think it is a little too revealing?"

"Absolutly not, everyone will be so jealous of your looks. I hate that I can't be here." 

"I also hate that you can't be with me, but you can enjoy Europe."

"Yeah but still.......anyways let's focus on  make up and hair and show me the shoes you have."

"I have Sneakers." I tell him. His face goes into shock

"Please tell me you have some heels and not only Sneakers." He practically begs me.

"I have a pair but I can't walk in them." I admit.

"You are going to bring these right here." I immediately go and get them out of the closet. I only wore them one time. At a party my Dad had at our place. He had some of his buisness partners over and their children. He thought the party would also be a good way for me to socialize. In the end, I danced with a boy, because I couldn't say no and I fell which made me have a panic attack afterwards. It wasn't fun. I really hate those shoes.

"Here." I say and hold the shoes in front of the camera. They are really classy,in a lacy black.

"They are perfect. You need to were them and with the walking, fake it until you make it."

I sighed. I didn't wanted to dissapoint Nico so I agreed to were them and also he was right, Sneakers wouldn't look really good with the dress. He then told me how to do my hair and make up, by guiding me over the phone. I am really terrible at this but in the end it really looked nice.

"You look stunning, if I weren't gay, I totally would be in love with you" Nico jokes.

"Well you are really great at styling. I do look nice because of you, but I have to go now. Dimitri will be here soon. And thank you so much." We say goodbye and end the call.

Dimitri was going to pick me up to the party because he said that my place is on the way to Emiliano's.

I walk downstairs to see my Dad, standing in the living room. When he hears me approching, he turns around and looks me up at down.

"Honey you look beautiful just like your..." he cut himself off, but I knew he wanted to say that I look like mom. It pains him to talk about her. I understand that, I miss her too. Even though I only knew her when I was a little child.

"Thank you"

"Okay, so before you go. No alcohol, no smoking, no drugs and no making out and you have to be back at 1 a.m. Understood?"

"Yes dad."

He comes a few steps towards me and looks me in the eyes.

"And if something happens or you feel anxious or you just want to go home, you call me. Okay?"

"I will call you if something happens, I promise." I assure him. Thats when the doorbell rings. It must be Dimitri, I walk towards the door, my Dad follows behind me.

I open the door to see Dimitri in a black suit, standing infront of the door. When he sees me his eyes go wide and he smiles.

"H-hey, Dimirti." I greet him with a smile.

"Hey, малышка ." he greets me. (babygirl)

After a few seconds I start to introduce Dimitri to my Dad.

"Dad t-this is o-one of my f-friends Dimitri, Dimitri t-this is m-my Dad." My Dad look at him with a neutural face.

"Hello Sir, it is nice to meet you." Dimitri says.

"Nice to meet you too, Dimitri. You are going to make sure she is save?"

"Of course Sir." Dimitri responds immediatly.

"Good, well the have fun and be back at 1." My Dad says looking at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Then Dimitri and I walk towards his car and he helps me to get inside. I thank him and he walks over to the drivers seat.

"You look really beautiful, малышка ." he says making me blush. (babygirl)

"T-thank you, y-you look a-also good."

He then starts driving to Emiliano's house.

I hope everything will be okay.


(A/N: Hey! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice day ;))

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