Chapter 68 - Sometimes Ignorance is Bliss

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The leader who will guide Stardust in the future.

Although deciding leaders can be done just for entertainment, we were sincere.

Leaders are important.

Jin Sehyun, observing for a moment, carefully opened his mouth.

"Who wants to volunteer as the leader?"


Three people's hands came up.

"Okay, Siwoo hyung, Junseo hyung, and Seongbin hyung?"

"That's right."

An empty cart rattles loudly.

(PRD: Reference to an old proverb, which means: 'One who lacks substance boasts loudest.')

Seongbin continued speaking with a rather solemn expression.

"As a member of the hyung line, I can't help it."

"Oh, I see."

"That's cool."

-No one is taking Seongbin seriously ):<

-no one is paying attention right now.

-Seongbin was in the hyung line...? I didn't know

Sehyun skimmed past Seongbins words and did not give any further reaction.

We didn't say it all directly, but everyone was thinking the same.

'Do not let Cha Seongbin become the leader.'

Stardust led by Cha Seongbin?

I didn't even want to imagine it.

Anyway, as long as it's not Seongbin, I don't care.

Sehyun questioned slyly, putting his arm on Seohan's shoulder.

"Seohan, who do you want?"


Seohan put his hand on his chin with a look of concern.

Since I've been on both of their teams throughout the Stardust project, I've seen their strengths and weaknesses.

This is difficult.

"I like my mom and dad equally."

"Oh, that's good."

-Ham made a great analogy!!!

-Mama Junseo and Papa Siwoo

-I think either of the two will do an amazing. All the kids have great leadership abilities. ㅠㅠ

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