The Mummy Critters' Curse - Part 2

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The Mummy Critters' Curse|Yandere!Mummy Critters x Male! Archeologist!Reader - Part 2

Location: Ancient Egypt - Present Day


After arriving at Ancient Egypt on a plane, Y/n L/n, the famous archeologist went over to the dig site to see what they discovered so far in locating the lost tomb of the Egyptian Critters.

However, things aren't as easy as it seems in becoming an archeologist as he brought along his wife, Vanessa to the trip as she is described as a wife who takes her thrill of adventure way too seriously and Y/n was planning on divorcing her if he wasn't too busy on finding that lost tomb inside the Pyramid.

Right now, Y/n is at his tent and looking at his research on his studies about the Egyptian Critters and on where to find the tomb with the ancient treasures as well as the coffins of the 8 kings and queens that ruled over the kingdom for centuries until they were mummified and were all sealed inside the secret chamber inside the pyramid.

But then, Vanessa decided to come into the tent and started complaining about how see bored she is right now, which is why he wanted to divorce her in the first place.

Vanessa: (Groans) Honey! I'm booooooooooored!

Y/n: Then why did you come with me to this trip in the first place then?

Vanessa: Cause I though we're gonna be fighting mummies and getting some treasure.

Y/n: Coming to Ancient Egypt doesn't mean that you get to have fun and fight against mummies that you've seen in the movies and collecting the treasure within the tomb like you're in an Indiana Jones movie. We're not here to have fun at all. We're trying to find the lost tomb of the Egyptian Critters and I cannot have you complaining all day for you to have fun.

Vanessa: Aw, you're no fun. You know sometimes I wish I we got divorced and go marry that high school jock, Billy Mason instead of you and your boring book smarts!

Y/n: Well, I was planning for a divorce until my "book smarts" got in the way of getting rid of you.

Vanessa: Wait, what?! You lousy piece of shit! I hope you died in that lousy tomb with the mummies you nerd.

Y/n: Sorry honey, but WHO ASKED?!

Vanessa: (Gasped) You know what?! I'm going home to my mother's!!!

Y/n: Ha! Good luck with that, the plane has already left and won't be back for a couple of weeks, so it looks like you're stuck here for a while.

Vanessa: (Groans)

Then suddenly, one of the workers came in to tell Y/n that they managed to find the tomb that he was searching for years after so much research that he worked on for a long time.

Worker: Sir? We located the tomb! You gotta see this!

Y/n: What?! Really?! 

Worker: Yeah, come check it out!

They immediately went over to the dig site, where they finally managed to locate the tomb that will lead them inside, but the door was sealed and the only way to open the tomb is an ancient necklace in the shape of an Egyptian symbol known as an ankh as Y/n brought it out from his neck that was given to him by his grandfather as a family heirloom as placed it to the ankh shaped hole, which suddenly caused the ground to shake as the entrance to the Egyptian Critter's tomb was finally open after it had been locked away in secret for centuries.

Y/n: At last, the tomb of the Egyptian Critters is finally revealed. I can't wait to see what kind of secrets they have in store.

Vanessa: Whatever. This better be worth the trouble, book worm.

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