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⭒ TWO ⭒   

What am I waiting for?
Feet planted beneath "


Maria was seated on one of the wobbly wooden chairs in Kristian's and Lukas' chamber. The chair had seen its good days a long time ago, creaking in protest every time she shifted her weight. Her eyes were focused on the book that she'd laid out on the table, covering the subject of the witch trials in Europe. One hand supported her head, the other made sure the book stayed open on the right page and just like that she could spend hour upon hour.

In the background, she heard Lukas curse at his phone, probably losing some stupid videogame. She didn't have any difficulty filtering out the noise, it had been like that for over ten years now. She didn't even look up as she heard the door to the room open and close again, knowing her brother just entered. He laid a newspaper over the pages of her book and quickly, not bothering to change positions, she scanned the headline.


She read the rest of the text, biting the inside of her cheek. After a couple of minutes, she handed the newspaper back to Kristian, only for it to be snatched away by Lukas, who'd lost interest in his videogame. She and her brother shared a quiet look and she shrugged. "I don't particularly like going after vampires, especially not when there is such a conspicuous coven at work."

"I say we go," Lukas said, putting the newspaper down on the table she had been reading at earlier. His blue eyes twinkled, already excited at the prospect of hunting down and killing some vampires.

Maria rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. "You haven't even read what the article says."

"But I know what the headline says," he replied with the same attitude. "Besides, like you say, they're conspicuous. I bet it's some newborn coven, if it's ruled at all, and that makes them reckless and stupid. It will be an easy sweep."

"Vampires are never an easy sweep," she snorted back. She hated vampires, with all of her might. She fiercely hoped that the earth would end in fire one day, so that all that vermin would burn and be returned to hell. It would serve them right. "Whenever we go after vampires, it's usually one or two vampires being a nuisance, not an entire coven. We would be a quick and savoury meal for them, nothing more and nothing less."

Kristian, who'd been observing the conversation quietly, cleared his throat. "I think we should take a look at the very least. If there's nothing we can do, we'll look for another case," he said. He ran his hand through his hair, his eyes flickering between the newspaper, Maria and Lukas. "It surprises me nobody has done anything so far."

"Alright," she replied. She looked at the newspaper again, biting the inside of her cheek as she observed the picture printed beside the text. She didn't know what street it was exactly, but it looked like a riot had taken place a few moments before the picture was taken. She let her gaze wander to Lukas, knowing that he was probably right about the newborn coven part. That wasn't exactly a good thing in Maria's view. It meant that the vampires would be unpredictable and out of control and if there was one thing she hated, it was not being able to predict or control things. "But I don't want to stay too close to the centre of it all."

"We will rent rooms in a motel in Forks. It's some forsaken and forgotten city, so nothing will bother us there and it's a good distance away from Seattle," Kristian said, smiling like an angel. "I already made the reservations."

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