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jisung was lazily walking down the street. he fished for his phone in his pocket only to realize he left it at home. great, he thought. he sighed as he walked to the han river bridge, he walked up to the very middle and stopped in his tracks as he saw the man was supposed to meet.

the man seemed to notice jisung too as he smiled and made his way towards the boy, "ayy, jisung it's been way too long." he said and jisung smiled awkwardly.

"hey, jake." jisung said, "do you have it?"

jake nodded, "are you sure though?" he asked before handing jisung a little package, "of course, i wouldn't have called otherwise." jisung said.

"so, how have you been?" jake asked the boy as they both looked at the river and it's darkness. 

jisung chuckled lowly, "clearly not ok if i decided to call you." he said as he handed jake the money. 

the other boy sighed, "jisung, you know you can trust me and call me when it gets bad." he said and pointed at the little bag that jisung was holding, "this isn't a way out of a dark place." 

"it helps me." 

"no jisung it doesn't." jake sighed, "you just gaslight yourself into thinking it does. i'm only giving you this because i know that if i won't you will find someone else who will." jisung nodded his head slowly. 

jake looked at the boy worriedly, "just promise me this is a one time thing and that you won't be doing it after this."

"man i can't make a promise like that." jisung said chuckling, "jisung i'm serious." the boy just rolled his eyes, "whatever."

"it's not whatever jisung, for fucks sake last time you almost died do you know how worried sick we all were?" jake said frustrated, "and now that we both are in seoul, i want to see you succeed, i want to see you win in life and live like a normal person-"

"but i'm not normal, am in?" jisung looked at the male besides him, "i'm not normal." he whispered. 

jake looked at him sadly, "don't say that." 

silence fell afterwards, until jake spoke up again, "have you been... hurting yourself?"

jisung swore he was about to sob. jake looked at the state the other was and sighed, "do you wanna stay at my place tonight?" he asked softly and jisung thought for a while before nodding, "can i call someone" he asked jake and the boy looked at him in surprise.

"i forgot my phone at home, i don't want my roommates to be worried." jisung explained and when jake handed him his phone jisung called seungmin. 

"who called you?" hyunjin ask tiredly as the three were watching an anime and seungmin looked between the two of his friends with a confused expression, "jisung did..." he mumbled.

hyunjin looked at his boyfriend, "what did he say?"

"he said he will stay at his friends' place tonight." seungmin said slowly, "isn't that a good thing?" minho questioned.

seungmin looked at minho as if he had just said the most outrageous thing, "jisung said he has no friends though..." seungmin mumbled.

jake opened the door to his apartment, "don't mind the mess, me and jay had no time to clean up since we got back from the trip." he grinned and jisung shook his head, "it's ok, you know i'm not that type of a person to judge."

"you're home?" jay walked into the hallway and smiled when he saw his childhood friend, "oh jisung it has been ages!" he said and hugged the boy. 

jisung stood there awkwardly, why were they acting as if nothing had happened.

it was as if jay could read jisungs' mind, "let's all forget the past yeah, we missed you jisung." he said and smiled softly at the boy. 

"you're not upset with me?" jisung whispered lowly and the two boys pouted, "of course not, you were not doing ok so that explains why you acted the way you did towards us. we were never mad at you jisung." jake said.

jisung broke down, hot tears streamed down his face, "i really missed you guys..." he mumbled as he hugged his two friends.

one time in highschool jisung fell into a dark and deep episode of depression and pushed away everyone that he had loved at that time, including his two beloved friends jake and jay. that's when he tried coke for the first time. when his two friends found out they sobbed harder than anyone would've thought. jisung felt even worse seeing the way they reacted when they found out about his little secret. 

when jakes' mother died jisung did the worst thing a friend could. he suggested jake tries coke too, since it made jisung feel numb and emotionless, he thought it would help jake feel better. after a few months of jakes' addiction jay found out and helped the boy out of it, then they both helped jisung out. 

but there jisung was now. buying coke from his childhood friend. jake had a dealer friend and jisung knew he would give him what he wanted.

some would say, what kind of a friend he is? little did jisung know that the stuff in the little bag was not coke. not even close to a drug. it was simply powder. yes, baking powder.

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