♥ Introduction ♥

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Assalam Alaikum! 


Ramadan Mubarak! (2024)

As we entered this Holy Month, once again, I would like to use this opportunity to do some fiction writing that is based on the Islamic teachings and values.  Each chapters may be based on a Hadith (teaching of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)), and/or a verse of the Holy Quran.

It won't be exactly a spiritual book, because I don't want to unintentionally spread any misinformation.

**Some of you may or may not agree with the Islamic beliefs or teaching, but let's all remain in the twenty-first century and learn to respect/tolerate the belief of the others. Please refrain from criticising or using unacceptable statements against any religion or belief. Everyone is welcome to read this story, and nobody's belief should be disrespected.**

Some character names are the same as my story characters, but have no relation to them at all!

I hope you enjoy these heart-warming stories about care, compassion, kindness and pure love of many forms.

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