Chapter 1

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Will's POV:

I walk past the school lockers, the metallic blue reflecting off the fluorescent lights. It sickens me. I walk into my homeroom, room 876 "Mrs. Knoll". The chatter of my classmates instantly floods my ears: gossip, Fights, Flirting, all at once. I look around and grin as I lay my eyes on my friends, Aaron, Luca, and Aiden; all laughing near desks in the back. I walk over.

"Dude, what's so funny," I put my backpack down and started unpacking my books. "Tell me Everything."

"Dude!" Aaron roars with laughter, the guy can't even get a word out.

"Mr. C took Aidens laptop! He..he's looking through his search history!" Luca has his head down, crying-laughing, falling out of his desk.

"It's not that funny guys..." Aiden has an annoyed look on his face; I'm sure they have been teasing him about it since he got here.

I chuckle "Why'd he take it away?"

"I don't even know, I wasn't doing anything..." Aiden muttered.

I roll my eyes, of course, he wouldn't tell me. I sit down and lean back in my chair, Luca is sitting elsewhere. I speak up, "What the hell, dude? When did you move seats?"

Luca looks at me confused. "Arranged seats, dude. Did you forget?"

I hear a voice behind me...

"Hey! Wolfcut Will!"


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