27.Hell breaking loose

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Sorry for the delay, and thankyou for the lovely messages on ig>>>

Today's chapter is a roller coaster, let me know if I'm lacking my element

Today's chapter is a roller coaster, let me know if I'm lacking my element

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Hell was going to break loose. And Rhea knew it right at the moment when she saw her sister, Ritika running back inside the house after she caught Rhea kissing a girl in the backyard.

"Fuck!" A loud curse vented past Rhea's mouth meanwhile Saumya swallowed back a loud sob.

Saumya knew she shouldn't have come here. Yet there she was, still heavily dressed in her engagement lehenga, sneaking out to say her final goodbye to her unrequited love.

"I_ Rhea_ I am sorry." The restraint broke and a sob tears through her throat.

She knew that Rhea would go for the weekly family evening at her parents house, still in desperation, the naive hope in her heart had her coming for the person who callously rejected her love on her face.

The apprehension of what was coming their way and the jitters of her engagement had Saumya shaking like a dry leaf in the upcoming stormy wind. Her body shook violently as warm tears sloshed her beautiful cheeks.

A final memory for lifetime is what she had wished for. But now she fears Rhea will hate her forever. Their secret is no more a secret and Rhea's parents will not take it lightly.

"I didn't mean to_ Rhea, I'm sorry."

Rhea gnashed her teeth together. The alarms of jeopardy ringing in the back of her head and Saumya's violent cries amalgamating together was making her head throb.

The awareness of Saumya's engagement had been breaking havoc within her and getting attacked by so many emotions was something she would never allow. This had kept her on edge for the last two months.

Rhea wasn't expecting an engaged Saumya to barge in to meet her like a heartbroken lover. For some reason the gold ring shining on Saumya's ring finger irked Rhea's insides and blinded her resolution. And in her head Rhea had mocked Saumya's to-be husband while she pulled the girl for a fervent liplock.

And right now Rhea was cursing herself for getting evoked by the green monster and for acting on impulse.

The rage building up inside Rhea was camouflaging all those previous emotions. She knows Saumya doesn't mean bad. She never did. But her timing had always been a free invitation to uncalled catastrophe for Rhea. Be it now or back then in Aarav's farewell party.

"Listen. Go and fucking get married for all I care." She spat harshly. She had to behold too much control so that her hold on Saumya's biceps doesn't turn bruising. Seeing Saumya shaking her head in denial further skyrocketed Rhea's rage.

The feral grumble that resonated through Rhea's chest made Saumya, instinctively, jump a step away. "Get off my fucking face."

Not waiting for any further, Rhea turned hot on her heels and sprinted back inside the house to face the awaiting calamity. On her way she gave a call to her driver and gave a clear command to drop Saumya to her house.

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