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Rain pounded the road with increasing urgency. Footsteps, in sync with the beat of the rain, slapped against the dirt pathway. He noted the utter lack of life as he sprinted through the desolate streets– thank gods for that. The humans kept their curtains drawn and shutters barricaded against the windows, as if that'd be any help against what was hurtling down the alley towards him. He was grateful for the rain; He needed all the help he could get to mask his scent.

Between the clouds, a full moon peeked through, lighting his way. The rain shimmered in the light, drenching his cloak and boots.

No one was out here tonight.

Except him.

And them.

Behind him, he could hear their unnatural gait as they sprinted towards him on all fours. Large, granite grey hands hit the road with a sickening THWAP, gaining speed every second. He could hear their panting, wet and thick with anticipation. He could almost feel it on the back of his neck, and he shuddered as he pushed his body to go faster.

He burst out of the alleyway onto a stretch of road that careened up a hill. The buildings around him were dilapidated, stone cracked and crumbling in some places, with tattered curtains in the windows of the households that were too poor for wooden shutters. He couldn't blame them– the price of wood and materials had skyrocketed in recent years. He was surprised there were still people surviving out here.

He pushed up the hill, arms and legs pumping as hard as he could force them. It was so steep that the buildings on the sides of the road were built at an angle. His muscles burned as he crested the hill and dove down a side street. The things behind him hardly slowed at all, but the curves of the path as it wound through the houses confused them.

He was lucky they were blind.

As he rounded another bend, he dove into the shadows of an alleyway, and jammed a hand into the pocket of his trousers. His fingers closed around the amulet as he pressed his back against the wall, willing the darkness to swallow him whole. The things launched themselves past his hiding place, and he loosed a breath as they sprinted away into the distance. 

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