14. resolution cont.

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When we had finally made it back to the lodge, Sam was banging on the front door. "Sam!" I yelled to her.

She turned around quickly, letting out a sigh of relief. "You guys look terrible."

"We're gonna look worse if we stay out here." Mike said, grabbing a rock on the ground and breaking the window. He unlocked the door from the inside and let us in. 

"Where's Josh?" Sam asked.

"He didn't make it," I said quietly. "It got him."

"Not him too," She said, disappointment evident in her voice. "I don't think I can take much more of this. So much has happened and I don't even know how to wrap my head around it."

"I know. But we just got to make it until help arrives." I said, trying to stay hopeful.

"We need to head down to the basement and see if anyone is left," Mike replied. The three of us began to make our way to the basement. "So what do you guys rate our chances of survival?"

"I'm trying not think about it." I responded.

Mike opened the basement door. As we took a step down, a wendigo saw us as soon as we saw it. 

"OH SHIT! RUN!" Mike yelled.

We stumbled backwards and I fell trying to get back from the doorway. I struggled to get to my feet. We ran back through the hallway and I was struggling to catch up. When I made it to the main room, Mike and Sam were completely still. I immediately saw why. Hannah was hanging on the large ornament that hung from the ceiling. She looked around blindly, trying to see where the noise was coming from. 

I looked over at Mike. 

"Don't move. Don't move a fucking muscle." He murmured.

I looked back at the monster who I used to know in front of me. The wendigo from the basement entered the room and lunged at Hannah. She grabbed the other monster and flung it at the stairs. In the process, it broke the gas pipe in front of the fireplace. I looked at Mike who silently signaled at the light bulb and light switch. Sam and I nodded in agreement. The wendigos continued to fight and I watched Hannah decapitate it with ease. She began to approach Sam. I looked at Mike who was approaching the light bulb slowly. Hannah let out a scream right in Sam's face. In response, Sam gasped. As soon as the noise left her mouth, Hannah had her by the throat in the air. Sam was kicking helplessly while screaming. Hannah impaled Sam through her stomach with her arm, which seemed almost impossible. She dropped Sam to the floor. Her now lifeless eyes stared directly into mine. 

All I could do was stare wide eyed at Sam, trying not to hyperventilate or scream. I hesitantly looked over at Mike. He was attempting to break the light bulb without gaining Hannah's attention. When the pressure of Mike's hand made the bulb shatter, Hannah instantly looked in Mike's direction. She lunged at him faster than I could process. She picked him up by his head, lifting him in the air, and then throwing him forcefully on the ground. I knew then he was wasn't going to make it out. And I quickly had to make a choice.

The gas pipe was broken, the light bulb was shattered, and the light switch was just a few feet away. If I ran I could make it. But I would have to leave Mike behind. I watched as Hannah was approaching Mike on the floor. 

"I'm so sorry!"  I turned around and ran as fast as I could towards the door without looking back. I could hear him screaming as the monsters tore into him. Before I exited, I hit the light switch. The lodge exploded immediately. The force of it pushed me forward into a large pile of snow onto my stomach. My ears were ringing from how loud the explosion was. I turned to look in horror at the lodge, which was now ablaze.

It was then I realized it was over. I was safe.

Tears began to fall, and I sobbed into my knees. I was so relieved for the nightmare to be over, but my mind was rolling with everything I had experienced. My friends were dead. I had almost died countless times in that one single night. I had just watched my friends die. I killed Emily. I was in so much pain from the injuries I had acquired. I stared wide eyed at the lodge while being racked with sobs. 

I looked up at the lights that shone above me, and for a moment I forgot that we had made contact with someone over the radio. I stood up, waving my arms frantically. The helicopter began to lower. 

"I have confirmation on one survivor. Let's pick 'em up."


Police Interview 

Room 1

"Did anything seem off when you got there?"

"No, Josh seemed fine. He seemed glad to see everyone. That's what took me by surprise."

"Do you think he had stopped taking his medication?"

"Yeah. It's like he was another person entirely."


"So he drugged you?"



"The psycho. Er, Josh."

"What happened afterwards?"

"I woke up and I was strapped to some table next to Josh and Chris was forced to pick who would live. I told him to pick Josh! I told Chris to save him! I don't know why he couldn't just listen!"


"Where was Emily?"

"I don't know. Somewhere in the mines. I didn't find see her again after I fell. The man was the one who helped me out."

"The man?"

"He lived on that mountain. He tried to save us."


"What happened to Chris?"

"I don't know. I wasn't there. We heard him scream and we went to see what happened and..."

"And what?"

"His head...it had been torn apart from his body. Ashley just stood there. I think it might have been her fault."


"Have you found Josh? Was he in the lodge?"

"No we have not. We are still looking."

"You need to look in the mines. I saw it drag him away. I know he's down there. He has to be."


"You need to go look down there. Down in the mines."

"What is in the mines, (Y/N)? The monster?"

"You might not believe me now. But I don't care. You will. Promise me you'll bring Josh back. Please promise me, please."


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