chapter 3

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Now all the students were just sitting there uncomfortably as their teacher and Sukuna went off on the higher ups

To be honest, when they were told to come to a meeting, this isn't even the last thing they expected. So they were still in a state of shock

"What do we look like to you? A fucking toy just to please anyone? "

Sukuna asked, glaring at them with his rich dark red eyes as all the tattoos on his face and body became visible

"Yes, the fuck do you think we are? We aren't a thing that you can just ship off to anyone! "

Gojo screamed, he was fuming

What did they think they are?

"Calm down, Satoru, Sukuna. Let me talk"

Geto said, though his voice was calm, he was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists

Gojo and Sukuna huffed, looking at Geto for a solid minute before sitting down. They still threw this nasty glare at the higher ups

"Tengen-sama... Marriage is not something you can force someone to. It's a life long commitment and we are not ready to take it from someone we don't know anything about. So I respectfully decline your offer "

Geto said in a gentle, calm voice. Trying to stop this best to his abilities

"I agree with Geto-san. We can't get married to a person we don't know... And three guys with one girl? It doesn't sound right either "

Haibara said, shivering thinking about it. He was already thanking god that he was lucky enough to get married before this. Or else he'd had to be in this madness too

"And what about these students? They are barely adults. How in the name of lord, will they understand what to do in marriage? This is unacceptable!"

Nanami chimed in and as always, the students are his number one priority


Tengen-sama started,

"As for the students, she is quite young herself. If I'm not mistaken, she's 19 as far as I know "

Hearing this, the students sighed in relief. At least they wouldn't have to marry someone who's significantly older than them, although this information still doesn't help the situation that much

On the other hand, Gojo, Geto and Nanami looked horrified

"The hell!? She's a child!"

Gojo yelled, his eyes wide as solcrers

"No she isn't. If she was, she wouldn't have been able to take care of such a big business all by herself. Anyways, she's gonna come today. You'll meet her in a little while. So get yourself mentally prepared"

One of the higher ups said while rolling his eyes

"Like hell we are gonna do that!"

Again, Gojo yelled standing up

This time, even Geto had enough. All the things he and Nanami said were just getting thrown out of the window.  Now he too, was pissed. He was tired of being ignored and not given the right to say in his own life

Today, they'd put an end to it

"Yes, we won't be meeting anyone. Kids, get up. We're leaving"

Geto said, his voice cold and unwelcoming as he glared at all the higher ups

The students were perplexed. They didn't know who to follow. They just uncomfortably sat there, looking back and forth

"I didn't expect this from you, Tengen. You know better. I thought you'd at least stop this"

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