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Beyonce POV 
Two Days Later

Megan has locked herself in one of her guest bedrooms since Easter and it's now been two days. I've been shifting between caring for Asharia, the dogs, and sitting outside the door silently begging her to open it. I know this might have made her spiral because I admit I lied. I should have told her from the jump. Megan is a kind person she wouldn't have just left. I should have known better, I was so stupid. I should have protected her heart better. I shouldn't have charged a dumb high school mistake to her heart. 

As soon as I saw how attached they were, I should have just told her right then and there. I could have in the least spared her and I's relationship. Now I know we're done for good. 

I am very worried. All yesterday I could hear her shifting between softly crying, sniffling, sleeping, and walking around occasionally. But since about 3 AM yesterday I haven't heard anything. Not a snore, not a bed creak, and not even the TV. 

I softly pressed my ear against the door and listened for anything I could possibly hear. After what felt like forever I heard a deep breath come from inside of the room. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. At least she's still okay. 

I felt a tapping on my shoulder and saw a tear-stained cheeked Asharia looking at me as she held her stuffed animal. I immediately frowned and held my arms out for her to walk into them since she was technically taller than me since I was sitting on the ground. 

She walked into my embrace and let out a sad sigh. I knew not talking to Megan was affecting her more than me. She thought she did something to make Megan go away. I tried to explain to her as best as I could that it was my fault and that she did nothing wrong, but she wasn't trying to hear that. Well at least not from me. 

"What's wrong puddin'?" I asked her as I hugged her and rocked us together. 

"I miss mama. I didn't mean to make her go away. I'm sorry mama." She said turning her head to the door and apologizing. She knew Megan was inside and she knew Megan could hear her. 

"Princess I need you to understand, it wasn't you, it was me. I wasn't honest with Mama about some things, which made her very sad. It made all of us very sad." I said looking at the door in hopes of Megan hearing me. 

"Why weren't you honest Mommy? You always tell me to be honest, so why weren't you?" She questioned me. In my head, I chuckled—so much sass and so smart, just like her mama. 

"I was scared that your mama would leave me. I didn't know how she would react to something and I didn't know if she was in a time in her life where she trusted people because when we were younger she didn't. I didn't want her to spring something as big as what it was on her and her feel like I was lying. I was just scared she'd reject me..." I trailed off. 

Asharia just sighed and I felt her burrow her face into my neck followed by small sniffles letting me know she was now silently crying. I sighed and stood up, picking up my baby as I stood. 

"Please don't cry munchkin." I rubbed her back as we walked down the hallway. I heard a door open behind me making me stop where I was. I assumed Asharia heard it too because her head immediately popped out of my neck and looked behind me. 

"MAMA?" She wiggled her way out of my arms and ran as fast as her little legs would allow her to. 

I turned around and was shocked at the sight before me. Megan was standing in front of the guest bedroom she was temporarily hibernating in. She had taken her lace front off and was now wearing her natural curly long hair. Her skin was a bit pale however and she had bags under her eyes which signified she hadn't been sleeping well. 

Before Asharia reached Megan's legs to hug her Megan scooped her up and hugged her tight. "Hey, Mama's baby. I missed you." She cooed softly as she stared at Asharia with so much admiration. Asharia smiled contently as she laid her head on Megan's shoulder. 

"I missed you so so much Mama. I thought you hated me." She frowned sadly. Megan frowned a frown almost identical to hers and it made my heart shatter. Nonetheless, I stood at a distance and watched their exchange. Trying to read Megan, she hasn't even batted an eye at me since she stepped out of the room and I don't blame her. I probably broke her heart and I know I've betrayed her trust. So I don't expect her to talk to me any time soon. 

"You wanna have a sleepover with me gooba?" Megan asked Ash making her smile big at the thought of the sleepover shenanigans that they would take part in, and at the use of the nickname Megan had given her the first week of them being reunited. 

Sharia smiled and nodded. "Can we have pizza and cupcakes and chips and juice?!" She rushed out as excited as ever. 

Megan smiled and nodded. "Whatever you want my gooba. Now go get some pjs and I'll order the stuff." Ash nodded and took off running as soon as Megan put her down. Just as soon as Asharia disappeared around the corner the joy wiped off of Megan's face it was now as cold as ever.

"Megan I-" I started but she immediately shut me down. " No!" She gritted. "Save that sorry ass apology." She sad with so much hate and venom in her voice. I sighed and turned around and headed to the master bedroom Megan and I used to share. I laid on the bed and slid under the covers on her side and I broke down crying as I held my engagement ring in my hand.

Our relationship is over just as quickly as it began. 


Heyyy, Yall know I have to give y'all a little heartache. It's gone be okay though. 

Vote/comment LOVE YALL

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