Chapter Five: Discovery

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Mary Elizabeth turned to leave her new child alone in his lovely new bedroom. She wanted to give him a little space to feel more comfortable in his new surroundings.

She was convinced he loved the room, at least she hoped he did. She also felt pretty confident with the way he appeared so easily accepting of the idea of dressing and acting like a girl. Most importantly, she believed Angelo was happy with his new situation.

She told him to get comfortable and occupy himself for a while, as she had phone calls to make for her real estate work. She then exited the room.

Angelo sat there on the bed and just looked around, admiring his beautiful new room. He took a deep breath and smiled, it was a dream come true.

After a few moments, he placed his hands on his knees and took in the feeling of the silky hose. He slid the bottom of his dress up, exposing the top edge of the thigh-highs. He then gently ran his finger along his inner thigh and the edge of the elastic that held the hose up.

Angelo was ecstatic and giddy with excitement. After all the years of seeing girls in dresses and hose and desperately wanting to wear them himself, here he finally was; in a dress and a pair of hose of his own.

He crossed his legs and lightly ran his fingers all the way down the inside edge of his leg, from his thigh to his ankle. This sensation, he discovered, caused a pleasurable chill to run up his spine, and a heightened sensitivity of every nerve ending in his body.

He shivered and smiled. These were sensations he had never felt before. He switched his legs, crossing his left over the right and repeated the same action with his fingers, down the other leg.

Not only did he get the same chill again, he also noticed something else. He pulled the bottom of his dress further up, exposing his panties, and discovered that they were being stretched in the front, tented by an erection.

"That's not very ladylike. Not ladylike at all. I have to fix this," he told himself before going over and closing the bedroom door.

Returning to the full-length mirror, he raised the bottom of his dress up to his waist then slowly lowered his panties down to his thighs.

For the next few minutes, he stood there, feet wide apart and knees bent. He stared at himself in the mirror, admiring how cute and feminine he looked, while taking care of the unfeminine bulge that had been stretching his panties.

During those few minutes, he gave special attention to how the hose looked and felt on his legs and the snug, comforting, tightness of the bra around his chest.

When he hit climax, his knees went weak and his legs began to shake. He shuddered and let out an audible gasp as he experienced the single greatest moment of self-pleasure he had ever experienced in his life.

Now out of breath and feeling flush, he looked around and found a box of tissues on the dresser. He reached over and took one,  then wiped the "stain" off the mirror.

With the evidence of what he had just done now gone, he pulled his panties back up. With a dainty feminine touch, he pushed his manhood down and back between his legs so that his panties would look more feminine in front and that issue wouldn't be able to pop-up again.

He lowered the dress and smoothed the bottom before taking his feet out of the tight shoes. He looked around the room, trying to decide what to do next. Very quickly his eyes came to rest on the dresser and he decided he wanted to try on some of the other articles of clothes.

Quickly pulling the dress up over his head, he carefully placed it on the bed before rushing to the dresser. The first drawer he opened, contained several folded pairs of jeans. He picked up the top pair and slid his legs into them.

My Foster Mom Wants A Daughter -  Book 1 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now