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People are asking me if it's like My heaven's flower. And i don't know what makes them feel it when i haven't even read that story.

Many stories have some points common to each other that don't mean we copy from each other.

Let me tell you again, i didn't copy it from any author, the stories i write are purely based on my imagination and i don't copy it from any author.

At first i ignored the comments thinking it doesn't matter but now I'm frequently getting these comments of its like that story. I request you please comment the part you think i stolen from that story and I'll change it.

I'm sorry if I'm being rude but I can't help it. You don't need to read my stories, I'm not forcing anyone to read them but please don't comment that it's similar to this story and that story. It really hurts thinking that I'm putting my every effort to write these stories and people are asking me that it's similar to that story.

We don't get any money from writing these yet we give our time and put every effort to write them. I know I'm not doing a favor on anyone by writing these stories as writing is my hobby.

I request you once again don't read my stories if you don't like them but please don't even comment that it's like this and that story.

Thank you🤍

MY TULIP 🌷|| JJK ✓Where stories live. Discover now