The shopping trip

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The  Waynes were now shopping clothes for the youngest who just appear randomly during breakfast. However Danny was  bored as hell as his twin elder brother was making him try different types of clothing

"Little D , Danyal can pick his own clothes you know , It's up to him and besides you can force him he has his own taste of clothing" Dick said with a sigh

"Well I think the shopping is done" said Danny who was exhausted with how many times did his twin older brother fuss over his clothes

"What do you mean shopping is done you only took a leather jacket, two pairs of shirts , jeans and shoes"

"Come on Ahki I don't need many clothes It's fine "

"You have good taste Danyal just like me" Jason said with a grin

" Your sense of clothing is the worst Jason" Tim said dryly

"What do you meant by that replacement"

"You know what I mean Jason"

"You wanna go replacement !!"

"Guys stop we are in public " Dick try to stop the fight which miraculously work

Just then a loud growled can be heard from someone's stomach and that someone happened to be Danny whose face was red with embarrassment as his brothers laugh at his misery

"I know a good pizza place near by let's go there" Tim suggested which his brothers immediately agreed

"Then what are you waiting for replacement lead the way"

One the way to the pizza place the two brothers Jason and Damian were walking behind the group trying to trip eachother while Tim, Dick and Danyal were talking about random topic. Soon they arrived at there destination and sat at a table nearest to the door

While Damian and Jason were throwing insults at eachother Danny was telling Dick and Tim about a certain Fruitloop

"I don't know why does he want me to be his son I mean I clearly said it to his face that I was not Maddy's son yet he still doesn't believe me" Danny continue his ranting about Vald while his two brothers listen for information about this person who has been partially stalking their brother

A waiter came to asked them about orders which they gave but after a long argument about what to order

While waiting for their food to come two person enter the place and quickly sat at a table near the window. The two person were talking in a hush voice but that was not the cause which made Danny paled it was their faces

Danny knows those two faces it was Agent O and Agent K the very two main  people who would experiment on him every five hours after the captured him

Danny suddenly felt like he was back  in the experiment room, strapped to that metal table while they ripped him open he didn't even know notice that his brothers were staring at him until Dick shake him that he was pulled out of his flashback

"Baby D what happen ?"

Danny just shake his head and start to eat the pizza which was already there when he was having his short flashback

The bat boys look at eachother and decided not to further pressed the topic so they silently eat their pizza while looking at Danny as his face had lost all colours and he was staring at the two people who were wearing white coat and look like he could have a panic attack any moment

They quickly finished their pizza, pay the bill ( which was actually decided by a game of rock, paper, scissors among the brothers and the loser was none other than Tim who was sulking ) and went to the car and drove home

During the ride the bat boys can't help but notice that their youngest brother was on the verge of a panic attack. Damian hug his twin brother tightly as he was sitting near him, Danny hug back and tears started to spill from his eyes

Damian was livid whoever hurt his younger brother was going to pay a heavy price

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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