Chapter 48: Favors Must Be Reciprocated

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When he couldn't get enough food, he was very content. After all, the first priority was to fill his stomach. When he was hungry, he might have a problem and didn't have the energy to think about anything else.

However, when he could get food, or even eat well, he might not be so happy.

Now he no longer had to rack his brains to find food all day, so he had a lot of free time, and he could think about everything and make random guesses.

For example, when he looked at the wild boar meat, he might wonder why the educated youth had such great strength to kill the wild boar. She was young but strong, which was the eye-catching and puzzling part. Why was she so strong? Did she practice? Who did she practice with?

They couldn't get enough food, so why could she, a little educated youth, do it?

They couldn't find food, so why could she, an educated youth, find food in their mountain?

Maybe there was some malice that followed. She was so capable, so if she gave it to Zhengdao's family, wouldn't all the benefits belong to her family? She was a little girl who hadn't even reached adulthood, so she was allowed to be squeezed and rubbed at will by them? Especially in this small mountain village far away from home, it's almost the same. Even if there is a relationship, what's the use? By the time they get in touch, it will be too late.

Jiandan grew up in suspicion and intrigue, and was poisoned by all kinds of TV, movies and novels. There are all kinds of examples. If nothing else, it's enough to be a warning.

She is not arrogant, thinking that she is invincible because of her strength and some force.

Now she is useful to the village, so naturally everything is good, but when it comes to relatives, she still knows herself. The villagers in this village are all decades old. What weight can she have when she has just been here for a few days? Isn't it all about the matter? By then, what else can she say? It's probably too late.

She doesn't want to test human nature with such things.

"They have sent me many things by mail, and I can't help with other things. Isn't this just a coincidence? Just send more.

Send the meat first, and wait a few days until the bean buns are ready before sending them. Otherwise, I will feel embarrassed. They always send me things by mail, and I only send those mountain products. I still know how to count.

I am young, but I also know that favors must be reciprocated, otherwise they will fade sooner or later."

The old man kept nodding,

"You are right, isn't that the truth.

It's okay once or twice, but after a long time, everyone knows the difference in their hearts. Although the amount of things is not important, it depends on the heart, But having more of these things also means that you value them, and they will only feel more comfortable. "

"Yes, my sister is married, and it's not just the two of them. I have to consider the opinions of her parents-in-law and relatives. I can't let people say that my sister only knows how to subsidize me. What kind of person am I then?"

"You are right to think so. If it were someone else, they might not be willing to give up such old things."

Jian Dan smiled embarrassedly, and the ox cart arrived at the entrance of the village. The people waiting for the car were all carrying things on their backs, and no one was empty-handed. When they saw the car coming, they swarmed up, and soon the small ox cart was crowded.

The old man whipped the whip, and the old ox slowly set off.

It was still early, the sun hadn't risen yet, and the temperature was still quite low. Jian Dan was tightly wrapped in a thick coat, and the backpack was between him and the old man, and the others were squeezed behind.

As the car moved, the voices behind gradually became clearer.

"Hey, sister-in-law, are you going back to your parents' home?"

"Yes, I haven't been back for a year. This year is a bad year, and I'm afraid something might happen."

"That's right. When I go out, I'm afraid of running into my neighbors from my parents' home. I also want to run into them because I'm afraid they'll say something bad about them. But I'm still thinking about asking if my father's legs still hurt, and how my mother is doing."

"That's right. In the past, I just kept thinking about it, but I couldn't help. Now, thanks to Xiao Jian, the educated youth, we have food and meat here, so I'm thinking about going back to see them, just to let my parents have a good meal."

"Your family is okay, but my family, my sister-in-law, is not She is a good person, she is always thinking about her parents' home, and she doesn't know if my parents can have a warm meal.

It would be fine if I didn't say it, but once I say it, I feel so uncomfortable. If I were closer, I could take care of them more or less, even if I could help wash clothes, my parents would be more relaxed, right?

It's hard to even see them now. "

"There is really no other way. We have Xiao Jian, an educated youth, which is much better than other villages. A few days ago, I went back to my parents' home in the dark after the autumn harvest. Several people starved to death there this year."

The ox cart couldn't accommodate everyone, so the men who were with me walked along with the ox cart and talked.

"Are you going to your father-in-law's house?"

"Yes, I went to see him. My family ran out of food in the summer, and my mother was dying. My mother-in-law asked someone to bring her two handfuls of cornmeal, which allowed my mother to survive until Xiao Jian, the educated youth, came."

"You have to remember that. How come my father-in-law's family is the same? They wish my wife would move the whole house back to them, and they don't care about our life or death at all."

"It's really not easy for my sister-in-law to do what she has now."

"Isn't it? My wife is great, otherwise I wouldn't be so eager to send her things."

Of course, there are also those discordant voices,

"So much meat was distributed, more than ten pounds, and only this little was given to my mother's family. How can so many people eat it? How can you afford it? Damn old lady, you are still on guard against me."

The people next to her looked at her strangely and quickly turned their eyes away.

The young wife was still unaware and kept chattering,

"Hey, you say, that young educated youth got two pigs by herself, can she eat them all? Isn't she afraid of having diarrhea after eating them?"

The two people standing between them couldn't stand it and couldn't help but scold her,

"Why do you worry so much? If it weren't for them, would you be able to eat meat? You eat people and gossip about them behind their backs, and meat can't stop you from talking?"

The young wife shuddered, but she was very stubborn,

"I'm not wrong, that's how it is. We are such a big family, but we only get so little, and she can't do it alone. How could she have the nerve to take two pigs? If she couldn't eat them, she might as well share them. "

"Why didn't you share your own? Without them, you wouldn't be alive. Are you going to waste my life-saving grace?"

"What life-saving grace? She said it herself. I don't believe it. She's just a little girl, not even as heavy as a wild boar. How did she kill a wild boar?

You believe everything they say. She said she killed it? She killed it. I'm just trying to fool you. I don't believe it anyway."

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