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Y/N: hi


Y/N: missed u more emmy 😛😛💕💕



Spence: Hi Y/N, we missed you!

Y/N: i missed u more spence 😚😚

Hotchocolate: Agent Y/L/N, my office. Now.

Der: nahhh she got the agent treatment

Emmy: thats wild

Y/N: anything you need to say to me you can say to me here.

Hotchocolate: Not really, I'm going to need your signature for this write up.


Papa pasta: Aaron.

Y/N: r u joking??? write up for what??

Hotchocolate: Not only did you go completely no-contact for a week, you also didn't come into work, meanwhile you didn't let any of your superiors know before you decided you would do these things. Come here. Now.

Y/N: fucking hell when did you start hating your girlfriend?

Penny: uh oh

Hotchocolate: I never started hating you, I've got every right to be upset at you. You went completely no contact for a WEEK, Y/N. Do you realize how worried I was, knowing that there was someone out there who was stalking you at the same time? Do you know how many hours I didn't sleep because I didn't know if you were okay? I'm only a man, Y/N. I know I make mistakes but if we want this to work out we need to communicate. Your childish way of blocking me out is not the way to do so.

Y/N: i just needed time, aaron.

Hotchocolate: Time in which you could've at LEAST had the decency to let me know where you were, if you were alright, and how long you'd be away. But you didn't do any of that. Do you not want for us to work out? If so you need to tell me before we go on with this.

Papa pasta: Aaron calm down.

Y/N: are u fucking joking? aaron i fucking love u are u fucking kidding me? why wouldn't i want this to work out when we LITERALLY live together?

Hotchocolate: I looked through your desk and I found that you never actually gave up your apartment, so clearly you weren't actually as committed and sure of this as I was.

Y/N: youve got to be fucking kidding me

Y/N: i never gave up my apartment because im renting it out myself in order to help us save for out future. do you seriously not realize how much i love you? are you joking?

Hotchocolate: Well, you haven't been very clear.

Y/N: fuck you.

Der: guys pls

Hotchocolate: Shut up, Morgan. This was YOUR idea.

Der: yes well i meant talk it out in person, not at work and certainly not over text. now, i want the both of you to go into your office, lock the door, and talk in person. am i clear?

Emmy: woahhhhhh

Penny: hot

Y/N: fine

Hotchocolate: Fine.

Emmy: no shot bro got HOTCH to listen to him wtf 😦

Der: i can be dominant 😼😼

Spence: Okay, now you've ruined it.

Der: goddamnit.

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