001 | forza ferrari sempre

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CHAPTER ONE ━━ forza ferrari sempre

CHAPTER ONE ━━ forza ferrari sempre

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tiktok ━━ carolinedevitt

"Welcome back to The Love Witch, angels! As always, I'm you're host, Caroline Devitt, and today I am joined by. . ." the Australian waved her hand to her left, "Logan Sargeant!" Caroline gave the camera an excited smile as the blond raised his hand in a quick wave, laughing at himself as he did. "And," she gestured to her right, "Aurora Albright!" Aurora gave a dimpled smile to the camera, waving happily.

"So!" Caroline began, picking up her prompt cards and readying the egg timer in the centre of the pink table. "How this works, for those who don't know, is I will set this timer to five minutes and ask these two stunners some questions to test compatibility, after that they will decide whether or not they thought the date was successful. Ready?" She looked to Logan and Aurora who both nodded.

Starting the timer, Caroline shuffled through her cards and chose where to begin. "Okay, first off, tell each other your top three pet peeves. Aurora, we'll start with you."

The brunette laughed nervously before she sat back in her chair and looked Logan in the eye. "I hate slow walkers with a burning passions, so if you're slow then it's not gonna work." Caroline hid a laugh behind her cards and Aurora wasn't sure why.

"Uhm, I hate guys who mansplain everything, especially because I'm doing a fashion degree, I've met so many guys who think I'm stupid and explain everything like I'm a toddler—Gah!" She held her hands in front of her in a strangling motion. "Peeves me off so bad." She laughed, smiling when Logan did too. "Last one, oh, I hate people who chew with their mouths open! You're not an animal, I don't need to see what happens your food once it leaves your plate."

Logan, as it turned out, was more similar to her that Aurora would have thought. He hated slow walkers, and people who talk down to others, and his biggest pet peeve was being rude to waitstaff.

"Thank you!" Aurora cheered when he finished. "I work at a restaurant and the amount of people who come in being so rude blows my mind. No offence, but a lot of them are American. I was worried you were gonna be one of them."

He winced and held his hand over his heart. "You wound me. And here I thought I looked like a decent guy."

"You don't look too bad, bit of a patriotic vibe, though. Half expecting you to have an American flag under the table."

Logan pretended to look beneath him in panic. "Why would I ever have that? That's, like, so crazy." He asked in faux-nerves. Aurora leaned closer as she laughed.

SO AMERICAN ✹ logan sargeant Where stories live. Discover now