Chapter 30 ~ Drunk

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Arjun's POV

She showed me her eight fingers saying "I only had 4~ Arjunnn...."

Great! That's is why I wasn't letting her drink. She was dancing and wobbling. I held her arm to help her stand straight. Now I'll have to take her to our room.

"Aadya, come let's go." I said in a soft tone.

"Nooooo, I wiiill nottt. I wannna havee moree. " she slurred speaking. Yeah I should have expected that. I know she will do anything but listen to me. I should do something that she agrees to come with me.

"Aadya baby, you want drinks right?" I asked and she nodded her head furiously.

"Good I have a drink that is more nicer than this. Come with me I will give it to you okay" I tried to manipulate her.

"Reallyyy. Come come lessgo lessgoooo" she started jumping while clapping her hands and I tried to stop her for God's sake she was wearing heels.

"Now Arjunn lift mee naa. I am toooo tiredd to waalk." She said pouting and raising her arms. God she looked so cute!!

I quickly booked a cab and made her sit beside me. She was blabbering nursery rhymes and hindi songs with wrong lyrics.

"Twinkle twinkle little start how I wonder wut u r. Up above the word so hiiighhh likea demon in the skiee!!"

"Haww!! Arjun look look an Aeroplane. Haww" she suddenly started screaming looking outside pointing at a star in the sky.

"I wanna go in thatt. You know it flies like zuiiiiii~" she was making some motor sounds.

"Come ok take me to the plane. I will sitt on the topp and flyy~ zuiii~" she started hitting my arms.

"Aadya you want to have the drink or aeroplane?" I asked hoping it would distract her.

"Oooh yesss I want drinkk. Faster Arjun take me there~" she slurred again.

Finally we reached our hotel and I carried her to our room. After placing her on the bed I was about to go to fetch her some comfortable clothes as she was wearing a half sleeve crop top and jeans which would be quite uncomfortable to sleep in.

Suddenly I felt two small arms wrapped around my torso making me stop my actions. She hugged me even tighter from the back that I could feel her chest on my back.

"I am feelinggg  hott Arjun remove this shirttt" she demanded.

"No baby let's first get you changed." I tried to persuade her.

"NOOO I will nott. I like thiss clothes. But I don't like your shirtt remove itt NOWW!" she yelled.

"No baby first-"

"Haww you don't love me *sob* I knew it from the start *sob* you don't love me." She started wailing.

"Okay okay fine I will remove it relax" she stopped crying and smiled widely. I gave her a 'seriously 'look and she just urged me to remove my shirt. Oh God I wonder what is going on in her head. I removed my shirt and she squealed looking at my naked upper half.

Then she dragged me to the bed making me sit there. She sat on my lap facing me more like straddling me.

"Ohoo you are sooo hott and sexyy. And you are mine. My Arjun." She said which tool my heart away and 'My Arjun' sounded so good from her mouth.

"Yes baby I am all yours." I felt so happy saying that.

She touched my abs looking at them with awe and I felt so many things happening to my body.

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