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Last night marked one of the most humiliating moments of my life. My husband, once a conductor of brilliance and charm, transformed into a marionette of drunken bravado. His voice, raw and accusatory, tore through the air like a ghostly mantra on the gaudy strip of lights at Mac's Bar. Each venomous barb spat with disregard echoed in the ears of strangers, turning onlookers into unwitting judges in a theatre of dysfunction.

Shame and disbelief warred within me, a tangled waltz on the precipice of his escalating fury. I stood as a lone ballerina on a fractured stage, illuminated by the harsh spotlight of public scrutiny, a cyclopean eye, all because his inflated ego did not appreciate the agony of public abasement.

I knew, even if he spun a nebula of apologies, that each syllable would be dullened with violated assurances.

And yet, as if the cruel sting of indifference and desertion was not enough, the final act arrived with a screech of fleeing tyres and a nauseating twist of the gut. He climbed into the chariot of inebriated rage, drunk and disorderly, with no regard for his safety or the lives of innocents, and painted the distance with dust and smoke, leaving me stranded on the island of his abandonment.

However, the most insidious cruelty of all is the creeping suspicion, as insidious as the scent of cheap champagne clinging to his absence, that his next destination was not of solitude but another act of deception.

The spectre of the resort, a monument to fleeting pleasure and illicit dalliances, loomed before me to further humiliation. He, without a shadow of a doubt, sought the company of another woman, for even in the wreckage of this night, even as the storm of his drunken fury abated, the chilling certainty remained: he had not just hurt our longstanding companionship. He made a grotesque mockery of our vows, of our love, of me.

And worse, the pain of this knowledge, with him seeking love and intimacy elsewhere, threatened to fester, a poisonous wound long after the superficial apologies twined with broken promises that would crumble to dust.

This was not just a bad night. It was an earthquake, the tremors of which would forever alter the landscape of our marriage. And as I stood there, in the middle of the street, alone, battered and shame-faced, I knew, with chilling certainty, dawn would not bring sunshine, only the daunting task of rebuilding, stone by broken stone, a life shattered by the downfall of his lies.

Daniel dealt the final blow with a painful twist of the knife. He flung me into a precarious abyss, leaving me to weather the night's predatory murmurs and lurking shadows whilst he secured his reckless impulses and twisted desires that had nothing to do with me.

And thus, my journey home was a crucible nightmare wrought by isolation and fear.

Distorted by the chimera of loneliness, I slogged down moonless country lanes, feet screaming like the damned, the prickling sensation of unseen eyes boring into my back.

It felt like someone was watching me.

When I finally stumbled through the front door of our cliffside abode, adrenaline still coursing through my body, I bolted for Hannah's lifeline.

I needed a sanctuary, a refuge from the storm, a friend who would not flinch or judge me under the weight of his treachery and my pain.

Of course, I needed some rest first. So, I hit the hay, dozed until daybreak, then had a brisk shower and indulged in a sugary cup of tea. It was only after this sequence that I could touch base with my friend.

"I am sorry, Oli." Hannah's words, imbued with a gentle sadness and understanding, flowed through the phone. "But Keith stayed home last night."

Hannah's husband, Oscar and Solomon did not arrange to meet Daniel at the resort. In fact, there had been no communication between them since Daniel returned from the city.

The Lies He Told | PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER ROMANCE |Where stories live. Discover now