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I was a little shocked after hearing that Chester is dating. It's not like he has not  dated anyone before. But he mostly dated girls and the last  time he dated a boy he ended up in a toxic relationship. I still remember that day when I went to check on my brother.


I was driving to the nearby street for an unfinished business. After completing my work, A thought to run a check upon my brother crossed my mind. I called it a day to men and started driving towards Chester's new house. He moved in his boyfriend's house a few months ago. I still remember the day he came to me asking permission to let him stay with his boyfriend. And I could sense happiness as he mentioned the name 'Aaron'. So I thought he will be happy living with him. I turned on the radio and a song named photograph started playing. I reached the house and parked my car. 

I knocked at the door and no one replied. I pushed the door a little and the door opened. It was little strange. I got inside and the house had a creepy vibe and it was dark, awkwardly dark. I was calling Chester's name again and again. But I  got nothing in response. I started searching the house. Then, I was going upstairs and I Heard muffled screams and the voice sounded really painful. As I was moving upstairs, the muffled screams were Becoming audible and audible. I noticed that the screams were coming from a particular room and suddenly Realization hit me, the screams were of Chester. I hurried to the room. I opened the door and the sight horrified me. 

Chester was getting raped by his so called boyfriend. He was  continuously crying to the point that his tears were chocking now. I quickly ran towards them and seperated Aaron from Chester. “You fucking bastard how dare you hurt my brother.” I said as I punched him again and again.

I stopped as he was barely breathing now. I glanced at Chester and he was crying with his head in his legs. He was naked so, I covered him with my jacket. I called Ender to take care of this shit. I carried Chester who was still crying to the car.

We were now driving in the car and Chester was just staring out of the window.


I remember, I tried every possible way to keep him happy but we just got distant and distant because of my dad. Chester was locked in his room because he represented disgust according to my dad. I don't know why I tolerated that. But actually I am glad that at least I got to kill that bastard.

And now this chapter started all over again. I know if I didn't hear them talking about it, he probably wouldn't have tell me this thing. But I can't just stop my brother from dating. Whatever, I think he will be extra careful now. But I'll have to keep a check on that Jasper guy. I also don't know how is he alive till now. I should have killed him a long ago.

But now I can't, but one mistake from him and he is dead in worst way ever possible.

Chester's POV:
I was now standing in front of the university gossiping with Ethan and Laura. Gossiping is one of my favourite habit. I love it from the bottom of my heart. We started heading towards lockers as only 10 minutes were left before the class.

Me and Ethan headed to  our first class of  Cardiac anatomy.  As always, Ethan was listening to music, probably taylor swift or stray kids.  I was feeling a little tired today, so, I along with Ethan decided to take a nap. We attended rest of the classes getting bored.

I was about to leave with Ethan but Jasper texted me to come over. And I blushed at the thought of going to his house. “Oh my my! Someone is blushing.” Ethan said as he had a smirk on his face.
“Shut up. It would have been you if Gillean texted.” I said. “You got a point. But anyways what did he say?” he asked. “He asked me about a sleepover at his place.” I said s little shyly. “Ohh! Someone is gonna have fun tonight.” he said with a grin.

My cheeks turned red again. I hit his arm and said, “Shut up. You unholy brat.” He just chuckled and said,“I will be get going now. And have fun tonight.” He said as he grinned mischievously.

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