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court day came fast and nova fidgeted in her seat. "nova, stop worrying." max whispered to her, she shook her head. "i cant. what if they rule in his favor again? what if they take her again?" nova sighed looking at her daughter who sat next to her. "they won't nova. it's all going to be just fine." he was comforting her and himself. nova nodded taking a deep breath. "nova, max." they heard voices caughting their attention. "you came." nova gasped standing up hugging her best friends. "of course we did." landon kissed her cheek going over to greet max and faith. "you feeling okay?" lisa asked fixing nova's hair. "somewhat." she sighed. "don't worry you have enough to make sure he never sees her again." charlotte told her and nova nodded. "you're right, you all are." nova nodded thinking everything they'd been telling her the last few days.

"you were nineteen when you got pregnant with faith correct?" nova's lawyer questioned her. "yes." she answered. "when did you first meet her father, justin?" mike continued. "i was eighteen, just starting collage." nova told him. "you started dating pretty quickly right?" nova nodded. "we did." mike sighed. "when did he started to be violent towards you?"mike questioned. "objection, relevance?" justin's lawyer stood. "overruled miss cohan answer the question." nova took a deep breath. "it started when i told him i was pregnant." nova spoke. "i'd like to enter into evidence- nova looked towards max and he gave her a smile and for a split second no one else was in the room and all her nerves were gone. that didn't last long because her attention was torn away by more painful questions.

nova was questioned by her lawyer and justin's lawyer, they then called up witnesses. mia spoke on nova's behalf as well as lisa and charlotte. "how do you know nova?" lisa smiled softly at nova. "we grew up as neighbors, she protected me from some bully's and we've been friends ever since." she answered. "so you know her pretty well?" lisa nodded. "better than anyone." she smiled at nova. "how would you describe nova as a mother one word?" lisa took a second before answering. "loving. nova is the best mother i know, which is saying a lot because my mom is pretty amazing. nova would never bring harm to faith, she's been protecting me my entire life for nothing in return so it's pretty easy for her to protect her own daughter just as much if not more."lisa spoke with so much admiration for nova. nova wiped her tears blowing a kiss to lisa who smiled at her.

charlotte was called up next. "it says here you've only known nova for a month." mike said. "yes but it feels like i've known her for ages." charlotte said. "and how did you two meet?" he asked. "our partners." charlotte answered. "you've gone on vacation together correct with faith in attendance." charlotte nodded. "i guess you could call it a vacation and yes faith was there." mike nodded. "so you spent a week observing how nova parented faith." charlotte smiled. "i did." she said. "tell us in your own words what it was like." mike said. "i've never seen something more beautiful then when nova is with faith. motherhood is a beautiful thing and nova paints a perfect picture. she's an amazing, loving mother who deserves the daughter she gave birth too and has loved unconditionally ever since." charlotte finished, as nova smiled up at her with tears in her eyes. "thank you." she mouthed and charlotte nodded.

"what is your name?" mike questioned. "max verstappen." max answered. "tell us what your relationship to nova cohan is." max nodded. "nova is my girlfriend." he said. "how long have you been dating?" mike asked. "three months." mike nodded. "and how long have you known her?" max knew this was going to be a lie and saying they'd been dating three month was also a lie but they had paperwork forged to back it up so he didn't care. "five months almost six." he sighed. "so you know her pretty well." mike leaned against the desk. "i would say yes." max nodded . "you live together correct?" mike asked. "yes." max hated this. would he get to the point. max kept thinking. "so you see how she parents faith all the time, so describe nova and faiths relationship on a daily." max nodded. "nova's whole life revolves around faith. where there's faith, there's nova, the two of them amaze me everyday. everytime i wake up i hear laughter usually coming from nova because faith is the funniest two year old alive. if it's not laughter it's singing, and if i hear nothing it's because they're both asleep, on the couch because they stayed up late watching old reruns of strawberry shortcake, faiths favorite tv show. faith is an outgoing kid but she can ger nervous in crowds, the only person able to ease her nerves is nova, even if it's nova's hand in hers she immediately feels better and it's so obvious faith looks up to her. faith is kind and considerate which comes from nova. it's a privilege to be in their lives and i thank nova everyday for it." max said all while looking at nova she was crying and her tears wouldn't stop falling at his words. "that was beautiful thank you max no more questions." max got off the stand and went over to nova as she pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "i love you so much." she whispered he smiled pulling away. "i love you too."


liked by maxverstappen1, lisa

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liked by maxverstappen1, lisa.rosi, and 933,657 others

novacohan appreciation post for my village, i love you all so much!🤍

tagged- lisa, max, charlotte, landon (i'm lazy)

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maxverstappen1 love you more 🤍
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landonb.vasquez 🙏🏻

user yayyyy glad you got custody
user how do you know this?? lmao
user public record
user weirdo

charlottesiine so happy for you <3

lisa.rosi ily and faith so much 🤍

user charlotte becoming her friend so fast is so cute!!!

user 💙

i do not know how court works. at all. especially in monaco. i don't know. 😭😭

i am american from texas 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥

right there with logan sergeant fr

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