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{( note- it's a completely fictional story and there is nothing haram in that I'm explaining everything lil by lil in every chapter please Take it as a story don't Take it too serious there is nothing reality in that I received comment yesterday about ibadat she's a pious girl who were trapped before but she's also a human in story and human makes mistake which she corrected and ask forgiveness from Allah (SWT ) so please Take it easy and about Aroosh and Taehyung and all the other character I know BTS are non Muslim but no one knows the plan of Allah so just be patience and read to get know about what's happening and enjoy Jazak Allah everyone and ignore my Typo mistakes cause my keyboard think he's more intelligent then me and his over confidence makes mistake sorry behalf of him)}

As they reached the house of suga they went to the living room but Suga stopped ibadat and said " I haven't told anything to anyone yet cause I want to tell everyone when you are near " Ibadat was listening to him carefully and he said " Will you trust me? " She said " It doesn't matter what the matter is I know  you very well I do trust you after my Allah and Father your the only man I trust the most tell me what's the reason why are you are talking like that" After listing what ibadat said he felt his heart ached and he walked in the house ibadat followed him and as he reach there everyone came near him and jin asked " What happened Yoongi? " He looked him in his eyes and said " Hyung and all of you know me right? You all will believe me " Ibadat said " Don't worry Sugassi we know you just tell us what happened
He took a deep breath and started explaining

Back then

BTS used to have a good friendship with a famous actor named lee min Hyuk who was working with them for 2 years but Suga always disliked him because he always found him Stealing or abusing or doing something which is not good but he always let it go with a warning but one day when he tried to abuse a girl physically that's when it becomes out of Suga's control so Suga took a step which cause him quite a lot of loss and he got insulted a lot which he took personally and decided to took his revenge he edited the picture and video of Suga through some editor and steal the information of BTS and call him to took the pendrive when Suga reach to the club he called in the One Night Stand portion and recorded that too and the video he shoot  was showing That Suga is getting physical with a girl in this clubs One Night Stand portion when min hyuk show him the video he was so shocked because it was looking so realistic but he asked for money Suga decided to give him money but that time he wasn't that worried because he didn't had ibadat and now he's blackmailing him if he didn't gave him the money he'll upload this on social media Suga wasn't talking it too seriously but then his cousin Min Soo Jin whom ibadat insulted before she got to know about it and for making Suga her she gets involved with Lee hyuk in this plan and become the girl in the video with suga
Suga knew how cheap Min Soo Jin was he knew that if he said that the video is edited she'll come on camera and will point out everything about Suga and ibadat

Present time

As everyone heard this V clenched his jaw and said " I swear I'll kill him with my own hand if he did something like that " Ibadat wasn't saying anything Suga looked at her and thought she'll not believe him he said " Ibadat I know it's hard but believe me I didn't do anything " She said " I have an idea " Everyone looked at her and Jin asked " Idea about what " She said my friend Jennifer she go to the club Sugassi said he's in a club? " Suga said " He mostly stays in that club and he called me there " Ibadat said " Then what about Min Soo jin?" Suga replied " Of course she'll be with him " Ibadat smiled and explained the plan to everyone and everyone was so impressed with her and she looked at Suga and said " Mr. Min Yoongi Nothing in this world can break my trust which I have on you " Suga felt her words and felt his heart beats getting fast and he said " I wish I could hug you " She stand up and said " Astagfirullah " And left from there everyone smiled at her behavior and everyone left to there room ibadat suddenly came and called Jhope and said to him " Hobi oppa please stay with him in his room he need someone by his side now " Jhope smiled and nodded his head and went to Suga's room as Suga saw him he asked " What are you doing here hoba? " Jhope replied " Your Mrs. Wanted me to stay here with you as she's worried " Suga smiled and said " I don't know what I have done to get her she's a blessing in my life " Jhope's mind recalled Ayeza he smiled and and said " Pray for me too I also deserves someone like her " With that he lay down and slept
Ibadat was so worried about him she was checking on him from outside time to time she was feeling sharp pain in her chest when she recalled the moment he was explaining everything she saw the time it was midnight she went to her room and performed ablution with that she spread Salah mat and offered Tahajjud Salah and went in Sujood
" Ya Allah Ya Allah please forgive us please forgive us my lord please have mercy on us help him Ya Allah ease his pain my rab he's in need of you Ya Allah hold him My Rab Hold him he needs you right now You know everything better then us you know that he's innocent please help us in our plan please my Allah  help him,,,,,in a way I love him too much it's hurting me even more to see him in pain Ya Allah forgive me Forgive me my Allah I know it's wrong to love a disbeliever but my Allah I know how merciful you are I'm just a comman human my heart is weak and fell for him Ya Allah now I can't love anyone else as I love him please have mercy on my poor heart and help me to Take him out of this situation Ya Rab help me and guide him on the right path guide him Ya Rab and give him Hidayat "
Ameen summa ameen "

Tawakkul-o-ta'at //Suga ' NovelWhere stories live. Discover now