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"24... 25... 26... 27. It's still the same amount of moons we counted the past sixteen times. There's supposed to be 28 of us. We can't go back to Uranus like this!" Titania panicked.

"Have you tried to search the Asteroid belt for them? What's their name?" Titan asked.

"Cupid, and we haven't because we don't want to be spotted by Uranus and have to tell him what we're doing. How would we lie to him about trying to find a moon we think might be dead?!" Titania rambled on in her panic, pacing back and forth between him and Ariel.

"There's no need to panic, Titania. Nothing is confirmed yet, they might not be destroyed. Perhaps they got lost within the Asteroid belt during the revolution and didn't realize that everyone went home. I can go search for them, but that might be difficult for me, too."

Titania sniffed, wiping her watery eyes, "How come? Are you not supposed to be away from Saturn or something?"

"No, well yes— Maybe- ah, let me explain better. Enceladus is supposed to be looking after me while I was gone from Saturn. I had gone to Uranus to look for you because I wanted to talk. We were supposed to return to Saturn because Enceladus wasn't going to allow me to enter the Kuiper belt to look for you all without Saturn's permission."

"Oh," Titania said. "M-maybe if we tell Saturn what happened, he could help is look for Cupid! He might understand—"


"Please! He might help us! Don't you trust Saturn? Please, we need to find Cupid!"

Titan sighed, "Its not that I don't trust Saturn or you, Titania. I do want to help you find Cupid but... It's just that I don't trust myself. Coming into the Kuiper belt to talk to you might've just destroyed the trust Saturn had for me, he trusted me to do the right thing. He trusted Enceladus to look after me and I might've just ruined that trust as well..."

"Then tell him the truth, Titan," she said, "If you tell him what happened and that I had called for you, he might understand. He's an understanding planet - somewhat - he can help us and he will understand why you left Enceladus."

Titan thought for a moment, starting to shake at the idea of going back since he disobeyed Enceladus without thinking about it. Why did he go into the Kuiper belt? What was he thinking? Now he's getting into more of a mess and— No, Titania needs him. They all need him, and he wants to help them find Cupid.

"O-okay... I'll... I- Fine. I'll tell Saturn and ask if he... will allow me to help..."

Titania smiled, "Ariel, Umbriel, you two come with us to talk to Saturn. Oberon, Miranda, you two watch the other moons and don't lose anyone. We'll come back soon, and hopefully with Cupid. Be safe."

"You too, Titania," Miranda returned. The other smaller moons saying their goodbyes.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Saturn," Titan said, leading the way back home. He was still shaking slightly, but tried to relax and not think of the worst when he returns.

They were all silent on the way to Saturn, neither of them tried to say a word. Titan didn't like the silence, but was used to it all. None of the other moons really talked to him other than Enceladus, but even then he didn't really like him either.

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