Meet The Plastics

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~3rd Person POV~

The Quartet sat at their usual table in silence. Reign sat in the middle with (Y/n) on his right, Gretchen on his left, and Karen in front of her. They were enjoying their silence until a known teenager to the Plastics approached the redhead in front of them. 

"Hey. We're doing a lunchtime survey of new students. Can you answer a few questions?" The four looked up to watch the man, Jason, talk to the unknown girl. "Okay..."

"Is your muffin buttered?"

The redhead was confused. "What?"

The man tried to hold back his laughter. 

"Would you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?"

The group watched as the king rolled his eyes. "Is he bothering you?" Reign spoke up. "Jason, why are you such a Skeez?"

Jason just laughed. "I'm just being friendly."

Reign and (Y/n) shared an eye roll as Gretchen awkwardly laughed. "You were supposed to call me last night."  

"Jason, you do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen and then scam on some poor, innocent girl right in front of us three days later. She's not interested." Reign glared at the boy.

(Y/n) looked at the redhead. "Do you want to have sex with him?" The girl quickly shook her head. "No thank you."

(Y/n) hummed and looked back at Jason. "Great, so you can go shave your back now." She looked at her boyfriend. "He is so pathetic." 

Jason glared at her. "I can still hear you, y'know?"

(Y/n) returned the look. "Can you hear us now? Bye..." She whispered, waving at him. He grumbled and walked away. "Bitch.."

The redhead tries to walk away too before Reign stops her. "Wait, sit down." She looked unsure, looking at her friends at another table. "Seriously, sit." 

She decided to do as he said and sat in front of Reign, now sitting beside Karen. "Why don't we know you?" Reign questioned.

"I'm new, I just moved here from Africa."

"What?" (Y/n) questioned.

"I was home-schooled."

"Wait. What?" Reign shifted to wrap an arm around (Y/n).

"My mom taught me at home." She shyly explained.

"No no, I know what home-schooled is I'm not an idiot." He snickered. 

(Y/n) leaned forward a little, her (e/c) eyes studying the new girl. "So you've never been to a real school before?"

She shook her head.

"Shut up." (Y/n) laughed.

"Shut up," Reign said afterward.

The redhead shrugged awkwardly. "I didn't say anything..."

"Home-schooled. That's really interesting." Reign hummed.

"You're like, really pretty." (Y/n) stated, taking in her bright hair and her freckles. 

"Thank you." 

(Y/n) looked her in the eyes. "So you agree?"


"You think you're really pretty?" Reign questioned. 

"Oh...I don't know--"

Reign quickly grabbed her wrist with a bracelet on it. "Oh my gosh, I love your bracelet. Where did you get it?"

"Oh, my mom made it for me."

"That's so cute." (Y/n) hummed.

"That's so fetch." Gretchen smiled, trying to add herself to the conversation. The duo just looked at her. "What is fetch?" Reign raised a brow. 

"It's like slang from... England." 

The two just stared at her with hardened looks.

Karen stared at the new girl. "So if you're from Africa...why are you white?" (Y/n) sighed at the blonde's stupidity. 

"Oh my god Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white," Gretchen whispered. 

Reign looked back at the redhead with a tight-lipped smile. "Can you give us some privacy for like one second?" The four huddled together whispering, nodding, and humming. They looked back at the redhead. 

"Okay, you should know we don't do this a lot, so this is like a really huge deal." Reign started.

"We wanna invite you to have lunch with us for the rest of the week." (Y/n) added.

Before the girl could decline, Reign cut her off. "Coolness, so we'll see you tomorrow."

Karen leaned towards her. "On Wednesdays, we wear pink."


In the bathroom, Damian, Janis, and Cady stood together with Janis laughing at what Cady told her. "Oh my god! Okay, you have to do it, okay and then you have to tell me all the horrible things that Reign says."

Cady seemed hesitant. "Reign seems...sweet."

Janis' face scrunched up. "Reign George is not sweet! He's a scum-sucking road whore! He ruined my life!" She ranted, spitting out insults.

Damian quickly leaned into the conversation. "He and his girlfriend are fabulous, but they are evil."

A girl walked out of a stall and noticed Damian. "Hey, you can't be in here!"

He gasped and started to run after her. "Oh my god, Danny Devito! I love your work!"

Cady looked back at Janis. "Why do you hate them?"

"What do you mean?"

The redhead shrugged. "Reign, and (Y/n), you seem to really hate them."

Janis raised a brow. "Yes. What's your question?"

" question is why?"

Damian came back to the two. "Reign started this rumor that Janis was-"

Janis quickly turned to him. "Damian! Shall we not?" She sighed and looked back at a confused Cady. "Now, look. This isn't about hating them, okay? I just think that it would be like...a fun little experiment if you were to hang out with them and then just tell us everything that they say."

"What would we even talk about?" Cady asked.

"Hair products."

"Ashton Kutcher." 

"Is that a band?"

Janis looked back at Cady. "Would you just do it? Please?" 

Cady sighed. "Okay fine. Do you have anything pink?"



Mean Girls~ Male! Regina George x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें