One Of Many - Theodore Nott (Smut)

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Warnings: making out, smoking, curse words, toxic relationship kinda, both people being HELLA bipolar

Summary: Theo decides to start hooking up with Mattheo's sister until she asks to be public..

Being in love with your brother's best friend is the most complicated thing. Mattheo's already told Selena and Theo separately that nothing could happen between you two.

But did either of you listen? Fuck, no. Selena's been hooking up with Theo for the past two months. And fuck did it feel amazing, sure they weren't able to hang out publicly but that didn't stop them from going to amusement parks and malls together.

As soon as the sun went down they were able to have the moments they couldn't during the day, but how long did they have to do this for until they could be official? How long did Selena have to lie to the only person who knows her best?

Selena is by the window in her bedroom, smoking a cigarette that she stole from Mattheo's room until she hears a knock on her door. She quickly puts it on the floor and smashes it with her kitten heel slipper. "Come in!" Theo opens the door and steps inside, smiling.

He sees the cigarette on the floor, he chuckles a little. "you couldn't have just thrown it in the bin?" He remarks jokingly, shutting the door behind him. "I thought you were Mattheo," Selena says as Theo sits beside her on the bed. "Nope. Though I was wondering why he'd bother to knock in his own house." Theo leans on his arm, looking at Selena with eyes of lust and desire. Selena was always really hard to read but that didn't stop Theo, she said nothing back to him. He let out a frustrated sigh, "What's wrong?" "I don't know, you tell me" Selena says sarcastically, Theo rolls his eyes. "Okay, smartass..." He pushes himself off the bed and picks up another cigarette from off the floor. "I thought you said you didn't like smoking,"

"What are you gonna do? Tell my brother? He wouldn't do anything unless I tell him that his best mate is hooking up with his sister" Theo raises an eyebrow at her again like he doesn't believe what she's saying. "You seriously think he wouldn't care? He'd kill me if he knew."

"But seriously, what's wrong baby?" Baby. The one word that could make Selena completely break down. "Us! I don't know how long I can keep our relationship or whatever the fuck we are from everyone! I want to be with you! You make me feel all special and loved but the next day you're with my brother like nothing happened!" Theo runs a hand through his hair and bites his lip.

"Look," he says in a serious tone. "We've talked about this. We both know it wouldn't work. Mattheo's my best friend and it would just cause a conflict between us all if we-" "I saw you with Astoria" Selena cuts him off as another tear stains her cheek, Theo's jaw clenches. Looking away and then lets out a long sigh. "That's different...." he mutters

"How the fuck is that different, Theo?! She was all over you but when I talk to Cedric for a damn project, you punch him!" "Well- it's just- look, y'know you're different." He pauses, not knowing how to put it into words. "You'll never be just an option to me. She's just an option. I can switch from girl to girl but nothing can make me switch from you." Theo puts his hand on her cheek as the other runs through her hair. "but there's always gonna be other girls, right?"

"yeah..." Theo looks away. This wasn't the best time time to tell her but he couldn't lie to her anymore. "But there's no girl who can make me feel the way you do." "y'know that, Sel" Theo says as he grabs her chin and lifts her face to meet his eyes. "I mean why do you think I don't want to be with you? I don't wanna hook up with a bunch of random girls. I want you. I always have"

"then why am I a secret?" Selena says as her mascara runs down her face. "Selena....." Theo sighs "I just......." He pauses, thinking back to the conversation with Mattheo. Then, he wipes the tears off of her face. "I know that things are just a little complicated right now...."

"Can I ask you something?" he suddenly says, his tone now very soft and gentle. "why are you still trying to go on about us when we both know where this is going? you're only going to end up hurting yourself."

"but I want you, Theo. I want us to be the same even when the door isn't closed" Theo takes Selena into his arms as she curls into his lap." me too, Selena," he says in a sincere tone, taking her hands in his. "believe me, if there was a way for us to be together I'd do it." he pauses, running his thumb along the back of one of her hands. "and do you think I haven't felt this way about you? I want you but I just can't ruin what I have with Mattheo.."

"you won't, he'll be way more mad that I'm hurting myself over you than being with you" Selena tries to convince Theo, He takes a deep breath as he rubs her shoulder gently. "Selena, you're gonna be okay," he says in a soft tone. "you're gonna meet some other handsome guy. and he'll fall in love with you and everything will work out. just not me."

"I don't want anyone else, don't leave. Theo, I want you" Selena panics as she begins to tear up again "...I want you too. but—" he pauses, struggling to find the words to explain to her why he couldn't be with her.

"I can't." he takes a deep breath and starts to pull away. "I'm sorry Sel." "Theo, please" Selena says as she hugs Theo tighter. he tenses up a little, not expecting the hug. But he hugs her back, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. "we can't do this," He whispers into her ear, trying really hard to not feel anything.

"I don't care," Selena sobs, Theo lets out a heavy sigh and his muscles loosen. "Selena, stop..." He says gently, running his hand through her hair and pulling her face up to meet his eyes. "We talked about this. this isn't going to work."

"I wanna be one of your girls, Theo" Theo swallows hard, biting his lip. "I know you do..." he looks away, his eyes dropping down to her mouth. It hurt to hear her talk about herself like that but she wasn't wrong.

a silence hangs between them, the only noise being their breaths. "then let me," "Selena..." Theo says almost pleadingly, pulling her closer to him. He wants to. More than anything he wants this. but.. "don't you see this is just gonna end badly?"

"I don't care if it ends badly, I just don't want to end now"Theo frowns, feeling his heart aching for her. If only he could be selfish right now. He closes his eyes and rubs his thumb across her cheek, pulling her closer to him again. "are you sure..?" Theo whispers into her neck. Selena nods,

"I love you, Theo" Theo shivers as Selena's words sink in. This wasn't good. He could still back out of this. But he didn't want to.

"I love you too." Theo leans in, pressing his hands against her waist as he kisses her softly. Her lips tasted like strawberries, Theo slowly pulled her closer. His hands moved up Selena's back and held onto her waist. Every few seconds he pulls away to look into the depths of her brown eyes, Selena runs her fingers through Theo's hair.

He groans softly as he leans in to kiss her neck, pulling her closer by her hips until they both hear Selena's door creak open

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