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𝙾𝚖𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝙾𝚅
𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚡, 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚔

Settling back into New York City was dreadful for Kevin because all he wanted to do was sleep in, but money was calling so he had to go. He was in the studio with his friends wrapping out what was supposed to be his first album. He was having second thoughts about it, but he still worked towards completing it on time.

"My boy really getting married." Setty patted his friend on the back as he untwisting the cap off a water bottle.

"Ash not going to want to wake up today." Mhady joked.

"I really don't give a fuck what she think. I hate that bitch." Kay mumbled.

"When's the wedding?" Jo asked.

He shrugged. "I just proposed. She said she wanna do it during the summer when Kimora off school. We don't really got nothing set up. Nah I really gotta wear a suit?" Kay laughed to himself making the room fall into laugher.

"Kimora know?" One of his friends wondered.

"Nah we still trying to figure out a way to tell her. I wanted to just tell her straight up but you know how her mom is." He said. He was about to get up and go in the booth when his phone went off.

He looked at the unsaved number, debating whether to answer it or not. Usually he wouldn't answer but something was telling him to.

"Hello?" His deep voice sounded.

"Hi this is Miss Rose from Broadway Private Elementary School, Is this the parent of Kimora Perez?"

"Yeah. This is her dad, what happened?"

"I'm with Kimora here now, and she got into a incident with one of the students. It ended up getting physical, the principal have decided to send her home today. I was calling to see if anyone was available to pick her up?"

"Y'all sending the other student home too? Kimora don't bug out for no reason." Kay said furrowing his eyebrows. He sat up in his seat, getting a few looks from his friends as he spoke on the phone.

"Yes, we're sending the other student home as well. Please understand that if it was up to me Kimora would still be in class right now."

"What you mean? What happened?"

"Let's just say things have been difficult for her with other students for the past few weeks."

"Why this the first time I'm hearing about this? Kimora never told me anybody was bothering her at school?"

The lady sighed on the other end. "I'll be glad to get in detail about all of this when you get here. If that is possible, of course."

"I'm in the Bronx at the moment, I can be there to get her in 30 minutes or so."

"Okay. That'll be great. Thank you."

Kay hung up the phone and sucked his teeth, not knowing what to feel. He was still getting used to the whole parenting thing, so he didn't know whether to be upset or chill about this.

"You good?" Yagi asked.

"Kimora got into a fight or some shit. Ari going to spazz out."

"Kimora just turned four and she already fighting?" Dougie laughed.

"Nah ion think Kimora would've touched anyone unless they was really trying to provoke her. I don't what Ari did with her but she well behaved. Never seen that girl act out." Jo said.

"That's what I'm saying the most she do is steal fruit snacks out the kitchen. Other than that she perfectly behaved." He sucked his teeth, and stuffed his phone in his pocket. "I gotta go though. I'll see if I can spin back later."

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