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Mahi take a deep breath

You can face them. They won't kill you . They won't right?

Argg mahi ruffled his own hair by talking himself

At last he reached the place where he left before one and half year

He just set his foot in the room

Someone hugged him tightly by not leaving

Mahi bhaiya I missed you a lot

Mahi startled a minute but hugged him back

Mahi: I miss you too harry

Mahi: now leave Harry

Hardik: no if I leave hug you will disappear again

Mahi: no kiddo I won't see iam here only na..

Hardik : promise?

Mahi: promise

Not long after hardik leave the hug all kiddos hugged him one by one
Saying they missed him

They are angry on him so he have pamper them all with his love
Except virat and ro

As they both are virat's room

Now mahi was in front of his brothers and friends

Mahi: dada..

Dada: jammy did you hear anyone calling me dada...

Jammy: I don't think so are you sachin?

Sachin: I didn't anyone here

All juniors are controlling their laughter

Mahi: dada.. Sachin pa... Jammy bhai..
I am sorry mumble the last sentence

Yuvi: who are you? Why are you calling my brothers as dada, Sachin pa and jammy bhai

Since his brother aka only yuvraj as to call them like that

All his friends glared at him now

Sonu smiled extra sweetly towards yuvi

Sonu: what did you say yuvi?

Yuvi: I mean only his brothers

Mahi: they are my brothers also

Gutham gambhir: but your actions speaks other things

Now mahi looked down

Mahi: I have done terrible mistake voiced slowly

All people in the room signed at him

They knew all this time mahi thinking he is at fault side but in reality he is not he is victim

Dada: so you choose to run away instead of facing consequences

Why dada didn't ask what is mistake mahi thought himself

Mahi: but iam taking punishment for my mistake said innocently

Jammy: how?

Mahi: by leaving favorite cricket and not contact you all people

Mama papa ko bhi contact nahi kiya

Sachin: that comes under runway

Mahi sulked at them

Mahi: no body loves me from starting onwards you people are scolded me and not even hugged me once

Iam going from here pretend like he is going

All Junior s are tensed up

Dada: dare you step out from this room  Mr. Mahindra singh dhoni you will face the consequences said sternly

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