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It is a sunny morning. Lynne May and Anne are preparing for the birthday party. They are wearing their party dresses and putting on their make-up when the phone rang.

"Are you attending? Jenny on the other end of the line asked. "I have guys to pair with you two. Hurry up! You need to be here before nine."

"Okay!! Just wait! We'll be there." Anne replied.

"Hurry up! Jenny had called already." Anne said.

"Okay!! Okay! Can you please help me tuck this buttons?" Lynne May asked.

Lynne May and Anne arrived at the Imperial Hotel just minutes before nine.

The venue was so arranged like the celebrations of some royal families. You would feel elated as a guest when you become part of it.

The usherretes led the two to the reserved table for them. While the host announced their arrival.

The set-up is very formal. All the guests have their own tables where foods, wines and beverages were already served. A stage was set in front of them where the host and the band were set.

The host welcomed every guest while the band plays their pieces.

A program was arranged for the birthday celebrant to talk and the guests to give their gifts and wishes.

The program ended with the celebrant blowing the birthday candles and making a wish. Then, she announced the lunch to begin.

After a while, Jenny came to their table with two gentlemen - Topher and Fernan.
"Hello, may I inroduce to you my brother Topher and his friend Fernan." Jenny said while smiling sweetly. "They are both single."

"Brother, Fernan, these are my friends - Lynne May and Anne. They are the ones I'm talking about." Jenny introduced.

"I wish you could be acquainted with." Jenny added.

"Hello!!" Topher said while handshaking with the ladies.
"Hi!" Fernan said and handshaked also.

The ladies also greeted the men and smiled. "Ohh!! So! You are Topher and.... ah! Fernan." said Anne.

"So, you were the surprise for us... Nice meeting you two. I am Lynne May and this is my friend Anne." Lynne May replied.

"Please take your seats. Be acquainted. Be at home." Jenny said.

"Okay!!! All set!! May I leave you. I'd be entertaining other guests. Brother, behave! They are VIPs. Fernan!" Jenny said while bowing after.

"Don't worry sister. It's us, remember." Topher replied with a wink.

"Okay! You said so! Bye for the moment. I'll comeback when I can." Jenny replied and kissed Lynne May and Anne goodbye.

Jenny left the group and tend to the other guests.

While the guests are eating their lunch, the band plays sweet music that is suitable for a sensible conversation. The music motivates them to talk romantically without thinking that they are in a party surrounded by many people.

"So, you were the romantically hopefuls my sister is refering to." Topher breaks the monotony with a sarcastic tone.

"Hmm!? So that's how bad we are, huh?" Lynne May replied. "Could it not be that we are just in search for the right one?"

"Hep!!! Hey! Hey! You're so serious! Don't heat up. It was just a joke." Topher minded.

"It does'nt sound to me like that." Anne commented.

"Hahaha! Hot start!" Fernan with his sarcastic laugh replied. "Can we finish this lunch before we fight? Huh!"

They burst into laughter after realizing that they're getting too far.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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