chapter three

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I WAKE UP at 5 am, and the sun is barely out that way I can have time to go on a run before school, as I run on my normal path I always go on, I can't help but get those butterflies in my stomach that you get the day before a field trip thinking about school. I'll admit I am nervous.

By the time I run back, the sun starts to come up, I open my door to smell pancakes, walk into the kitchen, and see Mom at the stove mixing up pancake batter.

"Shouldn't you be like knocked out from sleep deprivation?" I said confusingly walking up to the counter and taking my headphones out.

After doing a double at the hospital as a pediatric nurse, my mom should look like the dead walking but she looked amazing as usual with her hair in a claw clip and her skin looked refreshed.

"I came back an hour later after you came, I texted you then I came back, looked into your room and you were knocked out." She laughed, putting eggs and pancakes onto a plate and giving it to me. "I'm guessing practice went well?" She questioned grinning.

I pick up my fork and start eating, "Brutal." I say with my face stuffed. 

Mom cringed.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, mija." She shakes her head at me. By my mother being Ecuadorian, I definitely should have known better, that was her biggest pet peeve.

"Sorry," I swallow. "But it was way different than the drills we did at Layton, it's competitive there and Coach is making cuts so I need to be on my A game," I said determined.

"You needed the competition babe, I don't think they were pushing you to your full potential at your old school," Mom says frowning. "You're gonna make it Mel, I'm sure of it," Mom says as she puts food onto her plate.

Frowning realizing she was right. I continued eating until my plate was clean. "I'm gonna go shower." I start getting up and putting my plate in the sink.

"Oh, do you need a ride to school today?" Mom questions.

"Uhh.. " I trail off and turn to face her. Her eyebrows raise waiting for my answer. "One of the girls from the team offered to take me this morning." I say hesitantly.

"What's her name?" She said frowned and sighed. "I need you to be careful with these new girls, mija. I don't want a repeat of last year, where I'd have to go to jail to stomp one of these jealous little bitches out." She says in concern.

Last year a couple of girls who were seniors on the team were jealous that I was on the starting before most of them, and were complete bitches. I didn't have a lot of friends and the ones that were my friends looked the other way. Push came to shove, quite literally, I had to defend myself against five other girls when I broke this girl's nose. It was a lot and more drama came after that... Stay focused Mel.

"Her name is Tina and I don't think she's like that, Mom. I can handle myself, remember I was the one to stomp one of those little bitches." I smirked.

My mom looked at me sadly, and I said quickly, "I'll be fine Mom, I promise it won't be like last year, okay?" I said confidently.

My mom nodded not looking convinced. I turned and walked upstairs and turned on the shower.


After I get out of the shower, I put on lotion and perfume and start putting on my uniform. The uniform was a white button-up with the school logo embroidered on the right of my chest and a gray skirt that stopped right above my knees and I decided not to put on the navy blazer that went with it because it was way too hot for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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