Chapter 19

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Aurora pov :-

Today is the day where everything ends the day of the attack mom wasn't coming even though she urged with dad for more than six hours but in the end dad won and she is not coming he tried also with me but am more difficult than mom

I got ready and went to the place where we were going to meet in we went on the plan one more time they were hiding in an abandoned house the shooting started Carlos Ricci, uncle Edward and milo got from the front door while I was with dad and my oldest brother and some soldiers going from the left side

Grandpa and and the rest of my brothers went from the right side while uncle Dimitri and Xavier and his brothers went from the back let's be clear in one thing the security for that abandoned house was amazing and there was a lot of men protecting the place

The house was three floors with no door to a besment my expectations was that there is a besment but it's hidden and they will be in it so I started to look every where but there was nothing what I did next was the stupidest thing I have ever done

I went out alone to look for a hidden door or something and I found one I don't know why I thought it was okay for me to go inside alone

Logic says that a secret door in an abandoned house we go away and don't go in not go in and alone for the first time I felt really stupid

"Aurora Rossi" Blaze say pointing a gun to my head fraya was sitting there looking at me with the smug smile of hers that makes me want to kill her more than anything else

"The one and only, Blaze" I say

"Fraya"i say with my voice full of disgust

" long time no see granddaughter "she say

" why "I asked her I never could understand how could a mother does all that to her kids

" why what "she asked

" why did you do all that how can you hurt your own kids "I asked her

" I didn't think it will reach to this point where I will be running from everything and everyone "she say

" do you regret "I asked

" yes but am not going to regret killing you "she say

" why do you hate me so much "I ask

" Because when first it was your mom and I know my son he wasn't going to marry her I was the only woman he really loved even if he love your mother he wasn't going to bound to her but after that you came and everything changed he cared about you and your mom more than me and was going to marry her "she say

" do you regret any thing you did to me "I asked her

" of course not am proud of everything I did to hurt you "she say

What I did after that wasn't something I planned to do

I shoot on basically nothing just to make voice for someone to come

Not the smartest I know

Xavier pov :-

The shooting was dying and we were all in first floor everyone except Aurora

"where is Aurora" uncle Dimitri asked

"I don't know she dispersed" Antonio said

At that moment we heard a shoot coming from from down us but there wasn't a besment

Uncle Dimitri ran out he was looking at the house from every side until we saw it a open door that takes to a besment we got in and what I saw made my blood ran cold Fucking Blaze pointing a gun to Aurora's head

They didn't see us but Fraya did Dante shoot Blaze multiple times in his back he fell dead but fraya got out a gun and shoot at Aurora

Andrea Rossi :-

I am getting crazy I can't just sit by and do nothing just waiting for information or to know what is happening ughhh I will die from worrying my kids are strong all them my husband is powerful both my brothers are there every thing will end fine nothing bad can happen

I keep tilling my self that no ease my nerves but it doesn't work

I keep walking around for time pass but nothing helps

Aurora pov:-

It fucking worked they heard it and came I could see them from the corner of my eyes

Somebody shoot Blaze I felt his blood on my back when I finally felt free my darling grandmother got out a gun pointed at me and pulled the trigger

I don't know what happened after that i just feel to the floor and everything went black I heard a lot of people yelling and everything went just stopped

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