the kidnapping-ish🤫

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GUYS WHAT THW ACTUAL HELL!! 6.3K READS RHAT IS SO INSANE!! TAB K YOU TO EVERYONE THAT READ THIS BOOK AND ACTUALLY LIKES IT. THIS MEANS THE WOELD TO ME. also this is a comeback from my break a little bit, i honestly don't know how the plot twist happened but it did!! also can you guess from the title what's happening??

you woke up to the sound of your phone notifications going off the hooks. you had notifications from instagram, tiktok, and twitter.

you groaned while rubbing your eyes and grabbing your phone, off of the bedside table. there was also a sweet good morning text from walker but it was blocked by the other notifications

you haven't seen your phone blow up like this since, you got casted in your movie.

what was happening?

you opened your phone and went on instagram to see a post talking about, what happened with you, momona, and walker.

the post had a huge headline saying "Is Momona Tamada jealous of Walker Scobell and Y/n L/n's relationship?"(bear with me i have no idea how to make these😭) you rolled your eyes and checked the rest of your notifications.

they were all talking about the same thing about momona, you, and walker. you knew this was going to happen sooner or later, so you rolled over onto what you thought was your bed, but you actually fell on the floor.

you punched the floor and got up making sure your bonnet was still on your head. it wasn't. so you frantically started looking for it.

"where the heck could it have gone," you said while throwing your sheets off your bed. this was such a nice way to start the morning right!

you gave up on looking and went to the bathroom doing your morning routine. you heard your phone buzz and saw a text from leah.





n/n did you see

the news??


i sadly did😔


gurl momona

is going crazy!!


what are

you talking



did tou

not see her

post about

how she's

not friends

with tou



screentime I walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now