ten | dazzling

779 37 2

My dress flows around my feet. The top is fitted against my upper body. The sleeves are puffed, making me feel like a princess. 

"Twirl around for me, Lila. You'll be doing plenty of that tonight," Mother prompts, glancing over at me as a few maids complete her makeup and hair. 

I do as she asks, and spin around in front of the gold-crested mirror. Mother's lips curve up into a gentle smile. I grin back. This dress makes me feel prettier than the other ones I've worn. 

"You'll be the most beautiful girl at the ball, princess," Father says from the doorway, his hands fixing his tie. I giggle, the smile never leaving my lips. 

Mother told me there will be plenty of girls my age at this ball. This is the perfect time to make friends with girls who are normal. If I am surrounded by normals, I will become normal. 

From downstairs, I hear my brothers screaming at each other: hurling insults, slapping, maybe even some punching? Mother just sighs, Father rolls his eyes. 

"I'm glad my girl is finally back. Now I don't have to like those hooligans," Mother says, shooing the maids off her the moment they brush the last bit of blush across her cheeks. 

Mother looks so delicate and beautiful. She smiles effortlessly, looking like the most perfect woman alive. Even if she is much older than me, she is certainly prettier. 

She comes up to me, and smooths her hand along my blonde curls that fall to my mid-arms, nearing my elbows. I look up, and see her wonderful grin. 

Sir looks at me. 


Lots of smiling he's been doing. 

"My dearest 102, my darling girl. You know what you are, 102? Do you know what your life holds with me?" 

More smiles. 

I hate how much I love his smiles. He looks so... 



Like a 


I shake my head. I frown. Frowning until it turns upside down. Sir makes it. 

"You will become the greatest, 102." 

Whispers in my ear

They soothe me to sleep, hands wrapped around me as I scream. Scream and thrash and kick but it's all no use... 

I wake and Sir still smiles. "You will rule, 102... and you will never get away." 

My eyes snap open. 

I glance around. Father has gone. The maids have gone. Mother picks her purse up from the dresser. She turns and smiles at me. 

"Come, Lila. Are you feeling well? You are pale..." Mother asks me, hesitant. Her gaze scans my entire body. I immediately nod. 

"Yes, Mother." 

She nods and takes my hand. I follow right next to her down the winding stairs to the foyer where my brothers and Father are waiting. 

Alexandre smiles at me. Nicolas plants a kiss on the top of my head. Arthur grins. "Ah, a princess in our midst." Charles picks me up and spins me around. Pierre shoves him away and does the same. 

I grin widely. Flying is a wonderful feeling. 

Mother glares at her two youngest sons. "Your little sister is delicate! You can't be spinning her around." 

Little LilaWhere stories live. Discover now