Jealous Big Brothers

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So the above video is one of the Super Reunion videos featuring Mr. Cricket and Haydos as they talk about their special Yellove memories

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So this story is based some requests that I got from quite a few people in the past few weeks.

We know that the Chennai team is like one big family so how will the Indian seniors feel about the idea of maybe having to share one of their most special kids with a few foreigners?


Just after the first IPL season concluded, the Australian team was set to play a series against India.

Being in the same dressing room with foreign players had made the Indians a lot more comfortable around their national opponents.

It had even helped some of them understand the thinking process of a lot of foreign players that they had only admired from afar.

Sachin Paaji, Dada and Jammy Bhai had seen quite a few of their kids forming a good relationship with players who previously were just their opponents.

It wasn't completely surprising for them because most of the kids in their team were pretty outgoing and made friends quite easily, unlike some of the others.

There was one kid in particular who always shied away from interacting with anyone except for a select few he felt comfortable around.

It was a pretty well-known fact in the Indian team that their young captain was not someone who liked talking much to strangers.

The boy had even complained multiple times about press conferences being extremely annoying and he always tried to find a way out of attending them.

Dada was almost convinced that this was the reason why the star performer of the day was sent for press conferences whenever the team won.

Jammy Bhai had tried to defend his kid, but he couldn't find a reasonable argument to make against his best friend's claim.

Sachin Paaji tried pointing out that their kid captain always went to face the media himself whenever their team lost, but his best friend argued that it was just a trait the kid had picked up from the Wall.

Jammy Bhai looked a bit offended at being blamed once again for something the kid did that his best friends found annoying.


Unknown to the seniors, the young captain of CSK had actually played a pivotal role in helping the Aussies feel comfortable around their Indian teammates.

Tensions were high between the two teams ever since their last series due to all the controversial events that took place in Australia.

In order to build a healthy team environment, the captain had no choice but to find unique ways to help the players get along with each other.

It wasn't the easiest task due to his shy nature, but the stubborn captain also wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

Mahi worked hard to overcome his own hesitance before doing whatever he could to improve the banding between all the different players.

Sonu had also helped out wherever he could and slowly the two boys had formed some really special bonds with their third family (after their blood family and the Indian cricket team)

My Tribute to MSDWhere stories live. Discover now