Chapter 14. A realm from beyond

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Author's notice:

the three important figure's debut to galactic stage starts now, so what sort of species they will ever met i wonder?.


mr. roosevelt of eagle union and the other human leaders of different factions are at the facility overlooking the facility's docks with unfinished ships.

Mr. Stalin: "i know that comrad v'lex had provided us supposedly outdated technology to us but. this technology are beyond what our current understanding could muster and even comrad dreamweaver admits that the technology is incredibly powerful, and also i worry that it's gonna poison our future generation's perspective."

Mr. Hitler: "one of the reasons why he gave us memory keystone for us to learn from our alternate and not just that but the later events that happened."

Mr. Roosevelt: "the European countries of his world created a league of nations to uphold their collective ideology and to help each other in need, won't it be better to create one?"

they are at the office of the facility specially on the large meeting room.

Mr. Pétain: "i agree."

Mr. Mussolini: "if we are going to create a league of nation, then we shall name it United Nation."

everyone agrees, and mr. hirohito asked.

Mr. Hirohito: "say, did you all asked V'lex for another research facility on each respective nations? i mean we also need to have a research facility branches to handle more research for a faster pace."

Mr. Sun yat sen: "i already asked the three and they said yes and since I don't want to burden them for setting up multiple facilities i asked Commander Kirk for Some help, somehow it went well considering the insane technology of this place."

mr. sun stared outside the window, where multiple mass produced ships are being assembled at the distant shipyard with attached experimental weapons, sensor systems and propulsion.

Mr. Mussolini: "I can't help but ask, what was the nature of his departure?"

Mr. Roosevelt: "v'lex and his comrades along with our ships intercepted a distress call from an alien ship being attacked by a hostile fleet of ships they mentioned about a certain important package and i surmised that it is a code name for something of utmost importance."

Mr. Pétain: "i am kinda worried that this will be another front for us."

elzerad then spoke to them via telepathy.

Elzerad: (i understand your concern but i assured you this will gain us an ally from a different civilization)

her voice suddenly resounding inside their mind spooked them.

Mr. Churchill: "goodness i was just listening to the topic being discussed only to suddenly hear your voice inside our head."

Mr. Hirohito: "and experiencing it is kinda scary."

Elzerad: (my apologies fo my sudden speech but as i had already said, you don't have to worry.)

Mr. Stalin: "well if that is your opinion then, we shall trust your judgement."

after the meeting they then inspect the construction of their own reseach facility with few personnel assistance drones being employed.

*at the office*

during his free time, commander Kirk was writing on his diary of all the events that had happened since after he begun his career as a naval officer until to the point of v'lex's arrival, apparently the green spirit was sitting on his shoulder curious on what he's writing and he answered her curiosity.

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