Book Description #1

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The book I'm trying to find is about a girl who just recently graduated either from high school or college (I can't remember).  After graduation, she and a group of friends go to their one friend's family home which is either out of state or the country. While she's there she decides to make a move on the guy she's been in love with (the guy whose house they're visiting). So she sneaks into his room in the middle of the night (I think to lose her virginity to him?) only she's either in the wrong room or it's someone else is staying in his room. Either way, it was too dark in the room for her to notice it was the wrong guy. The guy (who turns out to be her crush's uncle or older cousin I think? - The age gap isn't that bad btw) just decides to go with it at first but later on realizes he wasn't who she was looking for when she says his nephew/ cousin's name. Afterward, she realizes it was the wrong guy and the book is basically about them falling in love with each other. 

Okay, now this is entering SPOILER territory!!!! 

Later on, you find out that the guy she slept with had been pining over her for years since the very first time he saw her. Except, he knew she was too young for him so he never talked to her or tried anything before. I think at this time he was in college and she was just entering high school? Anyway he never approached her and didn't want to disrupt her life but couldn't stop thinking about her so he always kept up on her life through what his nephew would tell him about her and their friends. 

I cant remember much else but I REALLY want to read this book again if anyone has read it and knows where to find it PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME!!!! 

Also some of this may be wrong because this purely from memory and it was a long time ago. 

Thanks :)

NEED HELP FINDING A BOOK!?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن