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    Many know this world. One of hunters and grimm, heroes and monsters, light and dark.

    One other thing existed in this world. Pure magic. Thousands upon thousands of years ago, magic was common in the world. To some, magic was simply used in mundane life, from important things such as transportation to, perhaps, simply changing the color of clothing.

    But for others, magic was an art, and they would devote their lives to it's practice. These people were known as wizards, usually together in guilds, they would make use of their skills in search of fame and fortune.

    Though, as implied, this is how it once was. For a reason that's been lost to time, what magic there once was began to fade into obscurity and fiction.

    But, as the sun rises and falls. Magic... would rise once more.

The scene opens at sunset at a bird's eye view over a small rural island named Patch. A somewhat nice place to live, if you ignore some of the grimm infested forests. We focus in to a deep forest on one of the mountains, peaceful and relatively quiet. Until the sound of footsteps seemed to rapidly grow closer.

"Hmph!" A voice grunted with effort as the sound of steel slicing wood followed. After, a figure would sprint by, still slicing the sides of trees as he went. His technique was peculiar, he would strike with longer blades near his elbows more than he would with the shorter blades near his fists. The boy would come to a stop after slicing one last tree, letting us get a good look at him and the weapon he uses.

 The boy would come to a stop after slicing one last tree, letting us get a good look at him and the weapon he uses

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(Note that his personality might be different from what I first wrote (if you even read this before the rewrite). He might be more introverted for the sake of having character development.)

Is it dangerous to his enemies? Yes.
Is it dangerous to himself? Also yes.

With a few deep breaths, the boy readied his bladed tonfas and continued up the mountain. On his way uphill, he did his usual drive-by tree slashing while mixing in a few twists and twirls of his blades here and there. The way he did this was by pressing the trigger on the grip of the handle, which made the weapon rotate at the base of the handle to swap the short blade and the long blade's places. May not seem like a useful feature, but this allows the boy to switch up how he fights.

Demonstrating this, the boy pulled the trigger causing the short blade in the front swap places with the longer blade. With this, his strikes start to focus more on his fists to stab and slash.

But along with swapping the blades' places, the barrel of each weapon did as well. In the circle on the side of both weapons were canisters of powdered dust featuring fire, water, wind, and electricity. How does he swap? With the button on the end of the handle which allows him to both change and expel dust depending on whether he taps it or holds it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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